Chapter 5

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After the whole Kian incident we both decided the Sun was going down, and it was probably time to get home. Our houses weren't far at all and we walked home together. Our conversations seemed to go on forever and I didn't want them to end. Who knew I could end up talking to some person I just met that day and let alone having my first kiss too! It all seemed too much like a dream. Maybe thiswas happening all too fast. I mean maybe I shouldn'tbe kissing boys all of the sudden and hanging out with them so much.

We finally arrived at my house and stood on the porch. "I had a great time. Who knew we would live so close to eachother!" Kian said with a laugh. 

"Yeah. What a coincidence huh?" I replied and shifted my weight awkwardly. "Thanks for walking me home."

"Yeah, of course. No problem. Thanks for making the video with me." He smiled and turned back to walk away. Once he was about to turn on my street he glanced back at me with a slight smile and wave.

I went inside and flopped on my bed. That was fun, really, really fun. But what am I supposed to do? Jc might like me but he's just visiting California for a couple weeks for Summer. But then there's Kian who will live here for awhile I think. What am I going to do!? And then I know when I tell my mom about this she isn't going to be happy Okay, Paige calm down. Why don't I just make a quick vlog for my second channel? That normally calms me down. I got my small video recorder out of my bed and waited for the red light to start blinking.

"So hey guys! I just thought I'd make a quick little vlog for no reason. So how are all of y'all? I hope you are all amazingly amazing! I just got home from recording a video for O2L!" I gave the camera a giant smile and forgot I was holding my camera and dropped it while I tried to put my thumbs up. I heard a big thud and rushed over to my camera and picked it up. "Oh no! I'm so sorry for dropping you guys! I still love you all and I hope it's still recording! Well on that um interesting note I'm going to go guys. Byeeee! Oh and dont forget to keep checking O2L's page for my video!" I closed to camera flap to turn off the recording.

As I sat down on my spinn-y computer chair my phone buzzed; it was a twitter notification. "Our2ndLife is now following you!" Well then, that's good. On the insideI'm fangirling so much. Isn't it just every viewers dream to be followed by their idol? Well I guess I have already met my idols but you know, fangirls will be fangirls! 

My phone buzzed again. This time it was a text from Connor. "Hey check your subscriber count!" I immediately opened my youtube page and saw the familiar purple banner. Under it I looked at my subscribers. I've been at the 45K range for 2 months! When I looked at the count now it was 50,023. Oh my god. I have to make another vlog wait no I still need to upload this one, to the Twitteria! I opened Twitter on my phone and typed up a quick tweet, "Finally made it past the 50K mark on youtube subscribers! Thank you all sooooo much, I love you all and I look forward to 50K more!" I think thats good, I'd say more but Twitter has that stupid 140 characters cut off. I clicked "Tweet" and waited for the page to refresh. Oh! I still need to text Connor back! "Hey thanks for telling me and getting me on O2L. I'm sure that helped a lot and thanks so much Connor!" I clicked send. 


Oki doki guys! Much awaited 5th chapter! Well I am in a writing mood today so hopefully a couple more chapters will be worked on today. Thank you all so much for reading and voting and commenting. Like 12,313 reads! Thats insane! Also I'm looking for an updated cover! Maybe if there are enough of you entering I could have a mini contest for a cover? If you are interested in making me a cover, inbox me and I'll give you all the details. I hope you guys like this short chapter but I'll be hopefully working on this story more! I love you all so much!

Much love,


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