Chapter 2

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Jc's room was a little messing which made me feel better that I kept my room messy also. "Sorry it's a bit messy." Jc apologized as he threw a bunch of clothes in his closet.

"It's ok." I said and smiled.

"Would you like a drink? Some Arizona?" Jc suggested.

"Well, the thing is, I've never had Arizona Iced Tea." I said, his mouth opened wide.

"What!?" His mouth was wide open. I touched his jaw and lifted his mouth so it was closed. I laughed and he just kept staring at me.

"Well sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything." He finally unfroze from where he was and grabbed two cans of Arizona Mango from a carton by the side of his bed.

"Drink this." He insisted handing me the orange can.

"Alright." I flipped the tab an took a sip. It was an acquired taste, but I liked it.

Jc was still staring at me for a reaction. I smiled as he finally exhaled a breath. "I'm glad you like it otherwise I would have had to make you leave." We laughed and he grabbed his camera from his bedside table.

"Well! That was the Cinnamon Challenge and I'm Jc Caylen." Jc looked over at me and smiled. I was contently just staring at him. I didn't know how someone's hair could be so perfect! "I have a guest right now an I now you all will want to meet her. I'll put the link to her channel in the description." He looked at me and I blushed I didn't know I was going to be in his video! I stood up and walked over to him.

"Hi!" I said, I could see in the reflection how I looked. I wish I would have put a little more makeup on. I just slapped some on this morning when I was running late for our breakfast date.

"This is Paige, one of my very good friends. I'll put an annotation to her channel right about here." He pointed to my face. I laughed, "just click anywhere on her face. Well," Jc looked at me, "synchronized hand outro?" He asked as he looked at me.

I shook my head, "Here, I do a heart." I showed him a heart with your index finger and middle finger. Our hands put together to make a full heart as we both looked at the camera. "See? Now synchronized bye?" He nodded.

"Bye!" We both said simultaneously as the heart covered the lens.

After Jc drove me home I immediately went on Twitter. "Just met @jccaylen today. His hair is really as perfect as it seems on Youtube! Thanks for an awesome day! ☁Caylen Clouds 4ever!" I clicked the tweet button and refreshed the page to see if my crappy Internet let it go through. It did and I waited. I have always been self conscious about what I say, ecspecially on the internet. I know I shouldn't care if someone unfollows me or something, but when someone follows me I don't want to tweet anymore because I'm afraid of offending them. I guess that's why I never liked Twitter. After I started making videos it really helped with my self confidence on the Internet, though when it come to real life I'm the most self conscious of all my friends. I guess that has been my weakest characteristic in life, one if my biggest downfalls.

My phone buzzed and it was a notification from Twitter. "@jccaylen: @paigeroberts I had an awesome time today! We should do it again! ☁Caylen Clouds 4ever!" I smiled, I still fangirled a bit that he tweeted me. My phone buzzed again "@jccaylen: I think I have a secret crush!" Wait, what!?


Hey guys, sorry it has been a while for an update. But we hit 40 reads! Yay! This story will not just be a Jc fanfiction we will just see where their friendship goes and where others begin! I'm still looking for a cover! All you cover makers better get your butts making me a cover! Just kidding, but it would be highly appreciated. Votes and comments are amazing! Thank you everyone for the support!

Much love, Dream

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