Chapter 4

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"Hey guys, it's Paige!" 

"And I'm Kian" 

"We are O2L's Surprise Sunday this week!" I finished the sentence and let Kian describe the challenge. 

"Ok everyone, the challenge this week it to say the worst thing we've ever eaten and do the cinnamon challenge!" 

"Well, right on into it, the worst thing I have eaten is a spoonful of salt. One time when I was little I was eating a spoonful of sugar, because I'm cool like that, and accidentally ate salt instead of sugar. Do not ever, ever eat a spoonful of salt! It does not help with medicine!" Kian laughed at my Mary Poppins reference. 

Kian told everyone about his worst experience eating things and we grabbed our spoons already measured to the top with cinnamon.  

"Look at this beautiful spoonful of cinnamon!" He moved the spoonful close to the camera and adjusted to focus. "I think this will end up being the worst thing we have ever eaten now!" 

"You ready?" I asked and he nodded. "On the count of three. 1... 2...3!" I stuck the spoon in my mouth with so much force I almost gagged my self. I gasped for air and all I got was dry rough cinnamon. I coughed and was engulfed in a cloud of brown dust. I must have looked pretty funny because the only think I could here was Kian laughing which in turn, made him cough up some cinnamon too. I felt the cinnamon stick to the roof of my mouth and tongue as I coughed more. There was a huge thick cloud of brown dust between Kian and me. I couldn't even see his face. In between fits of laugher and choking a accidentally fell down the side. I let out a scream from the sudden drop and grabbed the nearest thing next to me out of instinct. That thing was Kian's leg. We toppled over eachother as we went down the slide. I'm pretty sure I tasted the bottom of Kian's shoe one time or another. Once we got down to the bottom of the slide we both slipped off onto the wood chips and padding on the ground. We ended up in an odd position with Kian lying on his back and me on my stomach on top of him with my legs still hanging on the slide. Our faces were inches away and I thought of all of those movies where the couple fall on top of each other and kiss. I stared at Kian wondering if he was going to kiss me or not. He was looking at me with the same expression. Well, this was awkward. I looked to my right at the swing set where the other kids hadn't noticed us yet. I looked back at Kian and he looked at me again. C'mon Kian! I thought to myself.  

"Ewww!" I heard one of the kids yell. It was bound to happen. We both looked in that direction and saw the parents glaring at us. There wasn't much we could but laugh. The cinnamon had just about gotten out of my mouth. I did a crawled back up the slide and let Kian get up.  

He dusted himself off and out his hand out to help me off the slide. I got up, ran and grabbed the camera, and ran under the nearest tree to sit. The camera was still running, "All right! Well, that was fun!" Kian exclaimed holding the camera. The angle was probably all lopsided but who cares, it was fun!  

I laughed and looked over at Kian, "So on that happy note, you wanna end it here?" I asked. Kian nodded and I put my hand out in half a heart. Luckily for me he knew what I was doing to save me some embarrassment. He held out his other hand and they connected to make a heart. We said a synchronized bye and covered the camera. After the recording was finished we just laid there and laughed. Once we couldn't laugh anymore we just laid there smiling. The people around us must've thought we were crazy or something. That thought just made me smile even more. I rolled onto my stomach so I could see Kian's face more easily. We looked at each other smiling for a while then he lifted up his head a bit and leaned to the right closer to my face. I felt my face get hot and I need I was blushing and I knew Kian knew it too. I saw him smile a little more and I noticed he thought it was cute I was blushing. He put his hand on the back of his head leaning on his elbow. He didn't stay this way for long because he moved closer to my face. I was do nervous. I had never had so much pressure to be a good kisser in my life! I leaned in more until our mouths touched. I was surprised for a moment then everything just felt peaceful. It wasn't anything complicated we just kissed. Luckily it wasn't a full make out session because I had no practice with that! It must have only been 3 second at the most but to my it get like 3 minutes! Kian pulled back and moved his hand from my cheek to my hair. He stood there for a moment just looking into my eyes. He finally smiled after a couple seconds and gave me his signature smile/smirk. All I could so was smile too. He let his hand fall off my face and looked down showing a bit of embarrassment. I found it absolutely adorable!  

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