My Life Behind a Webcam (O2L fanfiction)

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"Hey guys, it's Paige! How are you all doing? Many of you know from my constant tweets and isanity during my last videos, I am super excited to be on a very well known colab channel later this week. In three days, 21 hours, and 4 minutes to be exact! I will still be posting videos on this channel as often as I can. So as much awaited news, I still have yet to tell which channel I will be guest staring on! Well, I'll give you a hint. I met them at VidCon and they are six boys! Yep, I'm a player. Hahaha, but really, I guess I can't keep it from you for much longer! I am guest starring on .... drum roll please! Our Second Life! If you have been living under an umbrella. O2L is a colab channel featuring Connor Franta, Ricky Dillon, Sam Pottorff, Jc Caylen, Trevor Moran, and Ricardo Ordieres! Thank all of you who tweeted them my videos countless times! I would not be making a video with them if it weren't for you! Well, until then. Bye!" I made a heart with my hands and stopped recording. I had never made a video for a colabaration channel before. It was all thanks to Connor. He was the one who viewed one of my videos and invited me to be Suprise Sunday. I hope I get to stay for more videos, even though that isn't very probable. They will probably hate me and think I'm ugly and will never invite me again. Well, on the bright side, I am going to have coffee with Jc later so I will know exactly what to do!

I walked down the street and finally saw the sign for Kay's Cafe. Jc was waving through the window looking quite odd I might add. His face was pressed up against the window and he was waving at me. The other people outside started to stare, but I didn't mind. All I could do was laugh.

I walked in the cafe and greeted the waitress with a nod and told her I was with that weird guy by the window. She laughed, "Is he your date?" She asked, giving me a suspicious look.

"No, I just met him recently." I laughed quietly.

"So like a blind date!" She persisted.

I finally gave up. "I guess you could say that." I winked at her and walked over to Jc's table.

Jc stood up and gave me a giant hug. I was a little surprised since we had just met and all. "I'm Jc." He smiled.

"Yeah, I sort of figured that. And I've seen your videos, so that helps too." We both laughed. I sat down on the opposite side of the table, facing him.

"I've seen your videos too. They were great!" He added, grabbing me a menu.

"Oh, you don't have to just say that to be polite." I blushed a bit. I have been trying to hold my fangirl back when I was on the phone with Connor. It didn't work out too well. One time I ended up tripping over a bowl because I was too busy fangirling about my phone where Connor was indirectly talking to me. It did end to a funny conversation about what the ratio between old people falling and dying to young people falling and dying.

"I'm not just saying it to be nice. I really like you. Well, well, I mean your videos that is!" Jc looked down at the table and blushed.

The waitress walked by our table and winked at me again. "Can I get you anything to drink?" She asked, flipping up the top of her notepad.

"Iced tea please." Jc stated, I should have known he would want iced tea.

"Um, can I get some hot chocolate please?" I smiled. She scribbled some things down and walked away.

"What was she winking about?" Jc asked, smiling.

"Oh, it's nothing. She thought I was your date." Just as I said it, the waitress came back with our drinks.

"Well, you too would be a cute couple." We both laughed. I wish! I thought inside my head.

I ordered a waffle with a side of grits, and Jc ordered an omelet. "What are grits?" Jc asked after we were done ordering.

"Oh, the are just, well, they are sort of like oatmeal I guess. Um, like, I'm not sure how to explain them. They are really popular in Florida. That's where my father is from." I failed miserably at explaining them. "You just have to try them." I added.

"Ok! So, about the video. Today's theme is food. So you have to say the worst and best thing you have ever eaten. Then the challenge is the cinnamon challenge as fast as you can." He smiled.

"Have you filmed yet? Since its Thursday." I asked. I had no idea how I was going to do the cinnamon challenge.

"Not yet, I actually was planning on filming right after this actually. Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you come over an we can film together! I can show you how it's done!" Jc suggested.

"Um, sure! That sounds fun!" I accepted. I was just about dying. Jc invited me to his house. Yep, I was just about dead at this point.

We finished eating as we had small conversations about random things, like ice cream flavors and where we went to school. It was amazing. He was amazing. The waitress came by and set the receipt in the counter. I went to pick it up, but Jc beat me to it. "No, I want to pay for it. I was great to have someone as delightful as you come along to breakfast with me." He persisted. I kept catching the waitress glancing at us.

"Alright, at least let me pay for the tip." I said, laying down a $10 bill on the table. It was a little much, but I felt I made a new friend with the waitress, and it sort of helped that she made the best hot chocolate I had ever had.

We got up and left the cafe. Soon I will be at Jc's house. Oh wow, this was going to be fun.


Hey guys, so this is my new story I didn't feel like I did a good job with my One Direction fan fiction, so I took it down. I have a good feeling about this one! Feedback is highly appreciated! Also! I really need a cover! So any of you cover makers out there, it would be awesome if you could help me out with this!

Much love, Dream

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