The Power to Heal

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"What superpower do you wish to claim?
Flying, invisibility, or speed to tame?
I whispered softly, 'I want to heal.'
'Heal? What would you even feel?'

I smiled and asked, 'What would I not gain?
Oh, the joy of easing someone's pain.
To heal the sick, to cure the disease,
To bring relief, to put at ease.'

For every person, near or far,
To heal their wounds, to mend each scar.
To bring them peace, to help them see,
The beauty of what life can be.

"But who will heal you?" a voice did say,
"When you're the one to save the day?"
I smiled gently, eyes so true,
"Maybe I have a healer too."

No greater gift could I possess,
Than helping others in distress.
To be a healer, is all I crave,
To mend, to fix, to always save.

And when my heart feels tired and low,
My own healer's care will surely show.
With gentle hands and words so kind,
They'll heal my heart and soothe my mind."

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