Do you trust me?

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"Hey" I speak to the dark haired boy, as I signal Lara to take his diary.
She's so confused. It's freaking me out sometimes when she doesn't know what to do, like, just take that damn diary! Is it that hard?
She's standing like she's frozen. I need to take it in my own hands.
His face is unimpressed while he looks up at me, scans my face and looks down again.
"Can I sit here?" I ask, while already pulling the chair.
"Mhm" it sounds from him while he's still writing in his diary.
I sit down, across from him.
She's so into me, I hear him thinking. I totally forgot this weird side effect on me ; I hear his thoughts.
Now I wonder what Lara's side effect is.
Lara. What is she doing right now? She's probably-
"So, why do you sit here? First you you follow me, after that you become friends with my friend and then you sit with me in the library and stare at me the whole time." He says putting his pencil down.
Shit, I didn't even notice. While I thought about all the things, I stared at him.
"What do you want, Nagini?" He asks while leaning forward and clenching his jaw first, then his eyes. He remembers my last name....
The good looking, nice, charming and smart prefect of Slytherin, yeah right....
A touch of aggression starts building up in his eyes.
"Uh" I give from me. Shit, this is the right time for Lara to save me.
Where is she, when I need her?
"I think you're smart."
I need to sound more confident; "I want be friends with you."
That sounds stupid.
I put the inside of my hands on the wooden dark brown table.

"I don't know you, Nagini." 
He says breathing out and slowly falling back into his chair.
"And you don't invoke trust in me, after all you did in less than 24 hours.", he says tensely.

"Fine then I'll earn your trust" it sounds from me, while I slowly lean even further towards him while clenching my brows.
I need to find out, what he's planning to do, so I can prevent it from happening.

"Look, Nagini, I feel that you hide something, but that makes it even more interesting. I'll find out every little secret of yours anyway, sooner or later."
Riddle smiles. His smile is off putting and his eyes turn into a dark green.
I see this weird thing in his eyes, that he had in my dream. The darkness, the lust to kill.
But I just can't walk off when I have this opportunity, even if this creeps me out.

"Do you trust me?" He says and puts his diary away.
'Fuck no! I don't. You're...psychotic?!' I think to myself.
"I don't know you, Riddle." I answer leaning back copying him.
"So we don't trust each other."  He says slowly nodding.
"Yes", I answer.
"But still, I want to be part of your little friend group, Riddle."

"You're a girl. I don't really think highly of your gender, if I'm honest. But something about you tells me your smarter then other women, you think like a man. I hope you won't be a disappointment, Nagini."
"I won't."  I speak offendedly.
"I see, that even your "friend group", or how you call it, your "alliance" benefits from your reputation. The smart, charming, perfect student with a big talent for dark magic. But I just know that something dark is going on with you and your little friends. You try to fool everyone, but you won't fool me. Trust me, you'll need me, in whatsoever you're planning." 

He stares at me, then he rapidly stands up and walks away.
Wow okay bitch. Scared that I know too much, Riddle? 
What if he suspects something now?
This whole "I want to be part of your friend group" thing, that I just started, was the most stupid thing I could've done. And it's embarrassing, Dumbledore better pay for my therapy after this little trip.

"Are you coming?" The future dark lord asks, while he stops and annoyingly looks back at me.

Hey! I would love to thank you,  for all the reads! If you like my story please vote for this chapter, so I can see that you're interested in it. Also don't forget to comment. Xx

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