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Should I run?
No, he would know how scared I really am then.
I confidently turn around, the future dark lord just disgustingly lets out a quick laughter at the end of the corridor, shaking his head then going into the other direction.

I hate him. He really plays with my fear towards him. I need to turn the situation around. He should be scared of me. I literally showed him, that I'm not scared to use an unforgivable spell.

But positive news splash: that means he won't kill me, at least till he gets how dangerous my presence here really is.
I let out a sigh of relief and go to my dorm. Now I have a lot of time, I organise my clothes, do my make up and hair.

At 10 a.m I go to the great hall for breakfast. The Slytherin table is full, I scan the table for Riddle, but can't find him.
I just sit down as someone says "Hey".
I turn my head around and see the curly haired, tall, blue eyed boy sitting down next to me.
It's Lestrange.
"Hey" I answer while the girls at the Slytherin table jealously watch us.

"I'm Rudolphus Lestrange, the Slytherin Quidditch team captain. As you're new here , and you probably don't know, that today is the game of the year, I would love to invite you. It's us against Gryffindor, everybody needs to see how we fuck them." He says while smirking with one side of his mouth. "As it might be the last game for a long time..." his smile drops.
"How so?" I say while I worryingly look into his blue eyes. I honestly couldn't care less, but whatever. The handsome guy eats another peanut butter sandwich.
"The school might close, because of the virus Myrtle had, another girl passed today because of it. That's all mudbloods like Myrtle do; destroy our world. " He pronounces with an evil smirk, again.

"I go to quidditch training now, if you want to come and support me, I'll only be happy, sugar."
He says standing up and winks at me.

I turn my head to the Gryffindor table, as I need to laugh. Did Lestrange really flirt with me right now? How did he call me? Sugar?
If only Riddle would know. That is literally one of the funniest things that happened to me. And his name is literally Rudolphus, that makes it even funnier.

I suddenly see someone laughing at me ,at the Gryffindor table, I concentrate, it's Joline. She saw everything and just can't stop laughing. I'm shaking my head as I laugh and stand up.
Breakfast entrance closes by 10:30 a.m but I wasn't surprised to see Lara trying to go in at 10:40 a.m. The magical barriers just don't let her through. She's always late, but come on Lara, even for breakfast? I easily walk out through the magical barriers to Lara.
"I'm hungry..." it sounds from her while she's rubbing her eyes.
"Should've been here at least at 10:29 Lari " I say with a grin on my face.
"Oh and I saw Riddle, he didn't kill me, so we're good" I add.
"Great." Lara grumpily says.
"And Lestrange flirted with her...." Someone adds from behind.
"Joline! Stop!" I laugh.
"Really?!" Lara suddenly is as awake as ever.
"He invited me to his training session now and the game later today." I told my friends, looking first to Lara, then to Joline.
"Gryffindor against Slytherin!" Joline adds with an attitude.
"We'll win..." I say confidently flipping my golden curls and laughing.

At noon we went shopping at hogsmead.
But I didn't see Tom this whole time.
I mean i should be glad, but I kind of want to see him. Maybe at the game.

Now I'm sitting on Lara's bed doing my makeup, Cecil and Joline changed rooms, so Lara's roommate is Joline now.
My best friend can't say enough, how happy she is, that Cecil is finally gone.

"Making yourself pretty for Mr. Lestrange?" Joline jokingly asks.
"Hell no! Even though he's cute-"
"So all that is for Riddle? Seriously? Didn't he want to kill you yesterday? "
"Enemies to lovers, I guess" I answer putting my mascara on.
Lara doesn't wear a lot of make up, just a bit of concealer here and there.
I'm fascinated by 40s makeup products.
Joline is fascinated by my makeup from 1996, she's just like me, but 50 years ago.

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