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<Mystic Falls, Virginia>

(Amelia's POV)

I was in Mystic Falls checking in on my brothers, like I do every 10-15 years. Right now I was looking at my twin brother that had a girlfriend, Elena Gilbert. I wish I could have interfered but I couldn't because of the position I was in on SHIELD. If I did I could put my brothers in danger, more than they are already on.

I was looking at my brother who was throwing small rocks at a guy who I'm guessing is Kai, he was on the side of Mystic Falls since some travelers put a spell to keep magic dead I guess. I suddenly got a call on my phone and I guess Damon heard. He got up and I ran away quickly. When I knew I was at a safe distance from any of the Scooby doo gang, I answered the call. "Salvatore here." I said. "Agent Salvatore, why haven't you been responding to your earpiece?" Director Fury asked or demanded? "What is it Fury? It better be important." I said while walking to my car. "We have a level 7. We need you to get to the helicarrier ASAP." He says. "On my way." I say and hung up.

I put my earpiece back on and I quickly get to the airport and wait for a SHIELD jet to come and pick me up.

I arrive after several hours and I walk inside to be greeted by Director Fury. "Agent Salvatore. You will need to go with your team and get the Mikaelson's for us. Now we have heard that they are in New Orleans and that one of the brothers has a little baby girl. They made everyone think that she has died. Now I need you to protect that child at any cost." He says. "I'm confused. Why will the Mikaelson's contact you to protect their child?" I ask Fury. "They didn't." He says. "Then why send me?" I ask back. "Their child, along with the tesseract, are significant to this world and we need to protect that baby at any cost." He says. I know he is hiding something but I let slide. "Okay. I will gather my team. We leave now." He only nods and goes to the main part of the helicarrier.

Then I remember that he said something about a level 7, meaning we are at war and he will be calling all the Avengers. God, I hope they won't need my help. But whenever am I not needed?

I walk into my teams meeting room. "Today we are going to New Orleans and we need to protect the hybrids baby girl. She may not seem like she is important but she is. If Director Fury says we need to protect her then we protect her. Got it?" I say to my team. "Yes, ma'am!" They all say. "Good. Now get your stuff boys we will need all the weapons and herbs we can get our hands on. This baby will need all the protection it needs." I say. They all get up and start running around gathering their stuff. They all start getting into three jets. I'm about to leave the meeting room when I hear a familiar voice coming closer.

The door opens to reveal Natasha or her code name, Black Widow. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" She questions me while pointing her gun at me. "The famous Black Widow. I'm surprised Fury hasn't told you who I am. I mean I am an agent of SHIELD." I say while smirking. "If you really are an agent of SHIELD, then what does SHIELD stand for?" She ask me. " Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage, Law-Enforcement Division." I say. "Wrong. You aren't an agent of SHIELD." She says with a smug smile. "Actually I'm right. That's what SHIELD used to go by. It was changed in 1991 to Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate. Which is the one you know right now. I know more about SHIELD than you do." I say, her smile drops and puts her gun down. "I guess you are an agent. What's your name?" She asks me. "That's classified. Well I have to go. Nice meeting you Natasha." I say and I see her eyes open wide. I walk towards the exit and just has the door closes she ask me something. "How did you know what my name was?" I pretend I didn't hear it and get on one of the jets. The jets take off.

<New Orleans, Louisiana>
~Minutes later~

The jets land and we all get out. "Come on! Let's move it! We need men in the inside and on the outside. You guys go on the roof! You guys come with me, you will be in the inside!" I bark out orders to my team. I take one team inside with me. I open the door and walk right in. "You five, go on the balcony. Three of you will stay inside and check every room in the first floor. You two upstairs, check every room. Just like we trained people!" I say. "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" I turn around to find the person who said this. Klaus Mikaelson. "I'm Agent S. We are on strict order to protect who ever lives here especially a baby that was just born." I say. He grabs my throat and pins me to the nearest wall. My feet barely touching the ground. "A human won't be able to protect my daughter from witches. We can protect our selfs." He say and growls. We both suddenly hear many guns being reloaded or who have put the safety of the guns down. "We are here to help one way or another. See those guns? They have wooden bullets in them and for precaution we also brought a white oak stake." I say. He looks at everyone and let's me go but still has a glare set on me. "Good. Now tell us what has been happening regarding your daughter." I say. He nods. "Guns down everyone." They all put down their guns and go back to what they were suppose to do.

I was sitting down in a small couch in the living room they had. By then Klaus had called his brother, Elijah, down here to talk about the terms when it came towards the safety of the Klaus' daughter. "We will accept any and every of your terms that you make but you also have to accept and respect the terms my team has to offer when it comes to the safety of our client and their relatives and who to kill and who not to kill." I say towards them. "Alright. But how can we trust you? Your only human." Elijah speaks up. "Well my team are human but I'm not. I know plenty. I know you won't be able to trust me because you guys don't know anything about what my team does and who I am. But we both have something in common besides being vampires, and that's the safety of the baby. I can see already that she brings hope to you guys." I say. Klaus seems unconvinced. Elijah wants to believe me but he doesn't know for sure. "I can see that you guys don't trust me. So I will let you compel me." I say. They nod and Elijah stands up to compel me.

After Elijah compelled me, they started to believe that everything I said to them was true. "Fine we will let you protect the baby but on one condition." Elijah says. I nod for him to continue, Klaus speaks up instead. "I still don't trust you with my life but I will let you protect my daughter. So the condition will be that once we find a solution to hide my daughter. You and your team will leave immediately. I will owe you a favor but once everything is the way we want it you can go on with your merry life with your life has an agent and never bother us again." He says in a some what threatening voice. "Klaus." Elijah says warning Klaus. "It's fine. I always keep my promises. I will follow your condition. Just saying now, if you guys have a girlfriend or boyfriend or any lover out there don't show it in front of me. I have a saying that an old friend has said to me before, I don't exactly remember who but he did. 'Love is a vampires greatest weakness' and I kept to that." I say. In the corner of my eye I see Klaus' eye grow wide. He knows something and he isn't telling me. "I better get going. I need to check up on my team. Any news can be helpful." I say. They all nod and Elijah says a small thank you and I leave.

After checking with my team on any movement or anything out of the ordinary, I went to tell one of the Mikaelson's what I heard from one of my team members. I walked inside a small study and saw Klaus. "What do you want?" He asks me. "I've got news. One of my men saw someone doing magic right outside the walls of your house. We took her in for questioning and made her take the Lobelia flower for it will weaken her and prevent her from doing any magic." I say. He nods. "Good. I'll be there in a minute." He says. I nod. I turn around and start leaving. I stop when I feel a hand stopping me from walking any further. I turn around to face Klaus. "You really don't remember that old friend who told you that love is a vampires greatest weakness?" He asks me. "Why do you care? Why are you asking me this all of a sudden? Look I got to go. I've got a witch to interrogate before the flower is useless." I say and pull my arm away from Klaus' grip. I walk out and to see the witch in another room. Strange isn't it? Why will he question me on that small saying? Who cares, I have more pressing matters at the moment.

After interrogating the witch I got all the answers. I went to Elijah. "What did the witch say?" He asked me. "Nothing much, all she said were things you guys already know. But I did find a solution to hide Hope." I say. He looks at me confused. "Hope? Who is this Hope?" He questions me. "The baby. Now I have a friend who owes me a favor. She's a witch and she will spell Hope so she won't be able to be tracked by anyone." I say. He nods and sits down in a small chair. "So who is this witch you talk about? How can she make Klaus' baby invisible?" He asks me with his serious face. "Don't worry about her, just let me do this and I will be out of your hair as soon as possible." I say. He nods and goes up the stairs, probably telling the rest what is gonna happen. I just clean my hands with water.

"Get here now. We don't have much time and if you don't come in willingly I will make my agents to take you forcefully, you know you can't hurt them, now get here now!" I scream to the witch on the other side of my phone. I hung up and slam my phone on a desk nearby. With the anger I had I didn't realize that I used my strength to brake the phone SHIELD had given me for the fourth time. "Someone's mad." I hear someone say. I turn around to see Klaus. "Not now Klaus. I just got off the phone with my witch." I say, anger obviously showing on my face. He puts his hand up in a surrender kind of way and sits down on a chair nearby.

After my conversation with Klaus I went to meet the witch.

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