Reunion [Part 2]

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<Manhattan, New York>

(Amelia's POV)

"Stark and Thor you got the sky, find a way to slow down all those aliens, to give us time. Barton you will be our eyes and ears, see any patterns or strategies they are using. Natasha, your with me on the ground. We will try to keep the fight down here." Steve says. "And Hulk." Hulk turns around with that angry face. "Smash." Is all Steve says and the Hulk smiles? He quickly jumps away. I turn towards the Mystic gang. "Salvatores, go with Black Widow and Captain America. Bonnie, Luke, and Liv, try to help Barton and the Hulk. Caroline, you are with me we will try to close that portal." I say and they all go running doing what they were told. I'm surprised Damon even listened to me seeing that he dosen't like being told what to do even if I am his sister, but he dosen't know that.

Caroline and I vampire speed towards Stark tower and get inside the elevator, ignoring the secretary at the front. I push the highest level button on the tower. After a few awkward minutes, Caroline and I quickly try to locate where the machine is. We finally see it and we vampire speed there. We see Dr. Selvig standing there. "Step away from the portal Selvig." I say pointing my gun at him. "Can't. I gotta sustain it." He says. "Your not yourself right now Dr. Selvig." I say. "Of course I'm myself." He says and gets closer to the portal. I shoot at the portal making it shoot out an energy that sends the three of us to the ground.

I get up and see that Caroline is knocked out and see that Dr. Selvig is regaining consciousness and starts standing up. "What? What is going on? What's happening?" He asks no one in particular. "Selvig. You were under Loki's spell, you didn't know what you were doing." I say trying to calm him down, trying to tell him that this was not his fault. I see Caroline waking up. "I think I did know." He says confused and then realizing something. "What do you mean?" I ask him confused. "Loki's scepter. It's the key to close the portal." He says. I look towards where Loki's scepter is and its on the balcony below us.

I get my phone out and start calling Natasha, don't ask me how I got her number I just have it. "Natasha here. I really don't have time for who ever this is." She says. I roll my eyes. "Natasha, it's Agent S. I found a way to close the portal, tell everyone." I say and hung up. I place the scepter inside the shield and goes through. Just I'm about to close it, I get a call. Caroline answers it and puts it on speaker. "Don't close it yet. There's a missile coming this way and Stark wants to put it inside the portal." She says. "Fine just tell me when to close it." I say has I see Stark taking the missile inside the portal. Several minutes later I hear an explosion coming from the portal and see that all aliens just fall down dead. Stark still dosen't seem to come out. "Close it." I hear Natasha say. I hung up the phone. I put the point of the scepter on the middle of the inside of the portal and the portal starts closing.

Just has the portal closes I see Stark coming down at a fast pace. "Son of a gun." I mutter. "Come on Blondie." I say to Caroline and quickly go down with her into the inside of Stark tower and see Loki just laying there. Eventually all the Avengers come in and look down at Loki. Loki just sighs. He knew he just lost.

We all go back to headquarters and pack our stuff. I also gather all my stuff since Director Fury ordered me to keep an eye on the Mystic gang. So now I have to live in Mystic Falls. I grab my small bag and another big bag and put them inside a hidden part of the jet. The Mystic gang gets inside and they put there stuff down near where they sit. Once they all are siting down we take off towards Mystic Falls.

~Minutes later~

We arrive after several awkward minutes in silence. We all get out and the jet takes off, we get back into the boarding house. "Well you guys did a good job for rookies." I say sighing. "Rookies? We're professionals." Damon says smugly. I just roll my eyes. "Well I have to go, goodbye." I say walking towards the door. "Wait. We still have to talk about your name." Stefan says. I stop and my eyes widen. I thought they would have forgotten about that during the battle. "Thanks little bro, if it wasn't for you I would have killed someone here in particular." Damon says. I sigh. "Always the same." I say under my breath. I turn around and walked to a couch and sit down in front of the fireplace. "You want to know my name? It's Amelia. That's my name. Now no more questions." I say has I go to get up but Damon pushes me down. I sigh. "Fine. You want to play that way then go ahead." Damon says. He takes a small wooden stake that was probably hidden and stabs me in the stomach. "You will stake someone just for there name? That's low." I say. "How are you not getting that much affect of the stake?" He asks me. "I've lived as long as you guys, but I came across a lot of vampire hunters and I've grown almost immune to wooden stakes." I say. He looks impressed than suddenly just pours vervain water on me. I hiss. "I've grown to become immune to that you know? All it took was practice." I say smugly. Damon looks at me irritated. "You want to know my name? Ask nicely, but it has to be Damon." I say towards Damon. Everyone looks at Damon with there eyes widen. "Fine." He says gritting his teeth. "Would you......please give us your name?" He asks me. "Sure Damon, that wasn't so hard was it?" I ask no one in particular. "You know how my code name is Agent S?" I ask them. "Yeah and? Get to it." Damon says. I roll my eyes. "Well my name is Amelia Salvatore." I say. They all look at me with widen eyes. "Hello brothers." I say smirking. "You never told us you had a sister." Caroline says. "They don't want to brag about me that's why." I say. "Well, I have to go. Bye bye." I say.

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