the last post i promise..!

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i know you all are thinking, "what the hell does she want now?" bUT JUST KEEP READING I PROMSE IT'LL GET BETTER.

sooo if you've seen my most recent update on my profile, you know i've started working on a second "random stuff" book and also thinking about starting a larry fanfic! soon, i'll delete all of these last couple random updates that have nothing to do with this book and within the next couple days the second book will be up! i've honestly missed wattpad so much but now i'm back, for good. :)

ps does anyone know how to make covers? if so, do you mind helping me? i'll give you credit in the first chapter (btw this will be for the larry story)

pps i want to apologize for the beginning of this book. i started this a little over a year ago and obviously i was a lot younger and a lot less mature, so thank you for still sticking with me after all of that nonsense haha

ppps (didn't even know that was a thing) also want to apologize for leaving you all for so long because even when i was gone for a month, you've still voted for me and that has honestly meant so much to me. i've been going through a really rough time lately and seeing all your comments and seeing that you still support me, never fails to put a smile on my face. :D

pppps (okay this is the last one, i promise) i'm super bored so let's talk, pm me or let's just talk in the comments, i don't bite!

alright my loves, talk to you in a bit, whether it's in the comments or when i start my next book! i love you all so very much

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