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To all the fangirls out there, congratulations, we have a day dedicated to you! Here are some fangirl jokes for you, for no particular fandom. :)


I didn't choose the fandom life, the fandom life crawled from the depths of hell and grabbed me in a choke hold and dragged me into the flames but it's kinda fun down here. idk.


Friend: Who is your crush?

Me: -Opens mouth-

Friend: Like a real person?

Me: -Opens mouth again-


Me: -Closes mouth-


The Hard Life Of A Fangirl:

-Lack of sleep

-Fucked up emotions

-Nobody understands you

-No money left

-Having to tweet a celebrity 85217900317 times

-People judging you 24/7

-Endless screaming

-Endless stress

-No social life

-Having no space on your phone due to all the photos of your idol


(Ok this one's a riddle thingy)

Question: Why do fangirls travel in odd numbers?

Answer: Because they can't even.


Fangirl: A female, usually between the ages of 12 and 19, that is obsessed with a certain fictional character/celebrity. Avoid fangirls in large groups, as they do tend to swarm and if you are unlucky enough to catch them with their object of admiration, cover your ears. They have a batlike shriek that could be heard from a couple city blocks away. (Also see: Stalker in training)


The life of a fangirl: I literally cannot even, I can't even, I am unable to even, I have lost my ability to even, I am unable to even.


Biggest fangirl problem: Double sided posters.


(This one's for bands)

Stages of a fangirl:

Stage One: Affection

-You find one of the members cute.

-You look up his band/group.

-You save a few of his pictures to your phone.

Stage Two: Euphoria

-You can't stop talking about him.

-Everything he does is cute or hot.

-You start to feel things for him.

Stage Three: Sexual Frustrations

-You start having sexual fantasies.

-You make up scenarios in your head.

-Everything he does gives you a lady boner.

Stage Four: Obsession

-You start a blog dedicated to him.

-You watch all his interviews, talk shows, etc...

-You can't go a day without thinking of him.

Stage Five: Depression

-You cry at everything.

-You regret ever becoming too obsessed.

-You're tired of his face.

Stage Six: Mental Issue

-He has finally ruined your life.

-You know you're going to die spazzing about him.

-You never date because he has set your standards too high.


Hope you enjoyed! I'm going to bed now...It's 1 am...Btw THANK YOU FOR 200K READS! ILYSM


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