06 - Not My Home

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Agugust 24th, 2021.

The Pacific was making Cal queasy.

He didn't have any options, though, there was only water for miles on end. Waves and dark clouds rolled in as well, making Cal slightly worried for what was to come.

Cal ran to the side of the ship and puked his guts out... or all that he could. He was hungry, tired, and sick now. This was the worst.

He made his was down below deck, walking past the padlocked door that he'd told his brother not to go near. A stench was now trailing from the doorway.

Clearly, the bodies were decomposing.

He finally made it to the bedroom, only to find his brother wrapped up in the sheets of their shared bed.

He knew that this would be hard on him, and his heart ached for a boy like him having to go through this pain.

Cal hobbled his way to the young boy, holding his shoulder to try and calm him.

"You okay, Archie?"

He caressed his brother's arm. Archer hadn't been so happy to leave the mainland.

"...No..." Archer softly replied, holding his abdomen in pain from sea sickness.

"You'll be fine, buddy. Just come to the top deck if you need to let it out."

Archer closed his eyes. A few tears slowly crawled down his face.

"...I wanna go home..." He shakily said.

Cal frowned and furrowed his brow. There was no turning back.

"...We can't do that, buddy. Not yet... papa is taking us somewhere safe, okay?"

Cal's reassurance was weak at best. Archer didn't even bother replying.

Despite sharing his nausea, Cal decided to sit with his brother for a while. This whole situation was a nightmare, but he hoped that he could at least make it more bearable for his innocent sibling.



Cal was startled awake to his father's yelling. He seemed to have dozed off after sitting by his brother. The ship was rocking rather roughly from side to side.

"Archie, come on!" He ordered as he shook his younger brother awake.

The two brothers made their way to the top deck. The ship found itself in the middle of a strong storm, and their father was struggling to control it through everything.

"COME ON, DAMN IT!" Their father yelled at them again.

Cal and Archer sprang into action to help their father control the ship.

In the midst of the chaos, their father noticed the dinghy at the back of the ship beginning to slip off. The ropes holding it together had begun to snap.

"Oh, shit!"

Their father rushed out of the helm to try and secure it.

The waves remained intense, so he struggled to keep balance.

In the end, it was too much.

With a sudden rocking of the ship, the brother watched as their father slid across the deck, coming up to an edge.

He clung to the side as best he could, but the strength of the waves caused him to lose his grip, falling into the raging seas.

"PAPA!" Archer cried out, distressed to have witnesses his father fall overboard.

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