13 - Distant Drums

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July 30th, 2022. Tokyo, Japan.

"Geez, it's so hot..." Kita complained.

"How are you wearing that?" Nijika questioned.

Cal was walking alongside them wearing a long-sleeve over-shirt and jeans. He shrugged.

"I don't think it's that bad."

"It's nearly twenty-nine degrees!" Kita exclaimed.

"This was Spring weather back home." Cal calmly replied.

"How did you survive out there?" Nijika mumbled under her breath.

"I can't wait to get to Gotoh-san's house. I want to get out of this heat!" Kita exclaimed.

"I wonder how her family will react to having people over." Cal thought out loud.

"I wonder how she will react to having people over." Nijika retorted.

The three stopped at a vending machine as Kita was dying under the sun. Cal barely had a sweat, but he also bought a bottle of water for his health.

"I think we're almost at Gotoh-san's house." Kita commented.

"Oh, good." Nijika replied.

"She lives really far from Shimokitazawa... how does she commute every day?" Cal wonders.

"It's a mystery..." Nijika stated while shaking her head.

The three of them all stopped in their tracks when they looked up and saw a banner draped over a house.

"Welcome! Members of Kessoku Band! We Hope Your Time Here Heals You In Both Mind and Body"

"...the hell?" Cal silently said in English.

"Did she say her house was a ryokan?" Kita asked.

"Looks normal to me." Nijika replied.

"Well... we're here." Cal added.

They all approached the door and rang the doorbell.

"Bocchi! We're here!" Nijika excitedly yelled.

The door opened, revealing Bocchi on the other side...

...and she was wearing the most ridiculous glasses, a mustache, a party hat, and a sash. While the three of them stood in stunned silence, Bocchi used a party popper.



November 15th, 2021. Nishinari, Osaka, Japan.

11:37 p.m.

The Osaka police department couldn't believe what they were seeing.

The known Yakuza office of the Azuma-gumi clan was now painted in blood and bodies.

There were reports of gunshots just minutes before, but now it was quiet.

"C-check for survivors." The Sergeant said to one of his officers.

"Yes sir." The officer replied, trying to hold back the urge to puke as he investigated the mortifying and bloody sight.

How could someone do something so sadistic and leave no trace? This was no average Yakuza turf war.

In their investigation, a message was found scratched into the wall, left by whoever the perpetrator was.

"Long live the brotherhood!"


"Yeah, that's correct... no, I don't want to check, I'm just a passerby. I don't want to put myself in danger."

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