Chapter 23 ~Morgan~

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The journey to the eagles was probably the worst I've ever been on, and that's saying a lot for me. We had to stop literally every five minutes to throw up, because there were so many hills and the roads were rocky and the complete opposite to smooth.

We sat in silence for most of it, Elias sat next to me, opposite Alana. I had no idea why Elias was tagging along; this was supposed to be mine and Alana's special adventure together.

He was ruining it all.

The carriage stopped outside the front of the palace. The eagles had made sure it looked impressive; you had drive up the driveway of crackling gravel for about 5 minutes, only seeing glimpses of the palace, until you could finally stop in front of it, the gargantuan building glimmering in the sunlight. The turrets were so high you could barely see the top of them, and their magnificent Coat of Arms were boldly printed on the draping flags.

Thankfully, It wasn't too cold here, (so Alana's consistent shivering stopped ) as the Eagles' kingdom was in the middle of all the others so the weather was neither hot nor cold, windy or wet.

The servants took our bags as usual and the three of us were led into the great hall. This was probably one of the most amazing rooms I'd ever been in; it was about the size of a football stadium, with an ebony floor that had been shined so much I could see my own reflection.

I'm Looking goooood. Way better than ghostly Elias.

The ceiling had rafters made of the same material and at the end of the room was a colossal golden eagle, that sat on its perch, watching us with keen eyes. The walls were cream, with intricate patterns and designs.

The King and Queen appeared from behind the eagle, taking long and aristocratic strides.

"We have been expecting you, Princes and Princess. News in the Kingdoms travels fast, and the messages that the Suns and the Diamonds sent out sure arrived quicker than you messengers yourselves.

"We know the story, and we trust the judgement of our fellow Rulers. So there is no more to say, other than we believe you." The King droned, with their heads lifted so high that I wasn't sure if he really was talking to us or not.

We were escorted out immediately, and led straight to our bedrooms.

Oh god. I have to share with Elias. Please no. He's too...pervy.

Great. So not only did we have to go on a lovely trip to the Eagles' with this prick, I now have to share a room with him. 

Seeing as he was so friendly with Alana, why couldn't they share a room?

He chose his bed, and I automatically parked myself on the other one. 

He put his hands on his hips and turned to look at me, lips curving into a creepy smile, which looked more like a pout, and eyes narrowing slightly. He looked like he was posing for a photo, or for a selfie, like girls do. 

Why was he looking at me like that? 

I quickly turned my head to face another direction; that last thing I wanted was eye contact with him. I jumped off my bed to gather my clothes for a shower, and saw that he was still in that same, awkward position.

"What the hell are you doing?" I finally asked, not able to stand him in that posture any more. He realaxed, and took a step towards me.

"Nothing, Morgan." His voice sounded higher and softer than usual. He sounded like a flirting girl. It brought back memories of Stella, all he needed was longer hair and giggle and I wouldn't have known the difference.

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