how you get the girl

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how you get the girl-taylor swift'i want you for worse and for better'

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how you get the girl-taylor swift
'i want you for worse and for better'

as lynn was walking home, she looked over at the street that lead down to nessa's house. she stopped in her tracks and thought about it for a minute. it couldn't hurt trying to talk to her? she stopped one more time in front of the familiar grey painted house. the light in the living room was on and she could see the light from the tv.

she stepped up on the proch, feeling slightly nervous before knocking, hoping for nessa to be the person on the other side of the door. when the door opened and she saw that her wishes came true, her mind went completely blank. like her brain shut down, she simply stood there like a ghost.

"hey" the athlete offered a smile, not getting any in return. that's when her hope died. "what do you want lynn?" nessa looked unpatient and was rocking her foot back and forth whilst leaning on the door. "i just wanted to talk to you" she tried, not getting any sympathy from nessa. "oh so now you want to talk?" she rolled her eyes. "if you could just let me-" she was cut off. "i don't care. just go home" and with that, she slammed the door in her face, leaving her on the porch alone. she could hear nessa run up the stairs and shut another door before walking away.

nessa stared at the ceiling in silence thinking about what just happened. of course the second she thought was moving on from lynn, she had to come and make it more complicated than it already was. she had completely ignored her for a week straight, stepping on her heart like it was nothing. then she had the nerve to come back, suddenly wanting to talk?

what hurt the most wasn't the fact that lynn had this secret boyfriend she forgot to tell her about. it was that nessa saw her as one of her closest friends, but thinking about how easy it was for her to completely shut nessa out, she probably wasn't even concidered a friend to lynn.

lynn's feet were getting heavier at each step she took. there was no way nessa was going to forgive her, but to be honest, she couldn't blame her. she'd been a jerk and ignored her for what, a week? how was she going to get to talk to nessa now when she was always hanging around her stupid friends?

lynn knew what they thought about her, and she could only imagine what they were going to say about her now that she'd broken up with ben. not that she cared anyway, they didn't know her. but if there was one person she didnt want hating her, it was nessa. but it looked like it was already to late for that anyway.

she sat down on the staircase outside, feeling the the air that was finally getting warmer on her skin. there was almost complete silence except for a few times when screams were heard from inside the house. the door opened behind her revealing luna, wearing her usual purple skirt and top.

"how'd it go?" she sat down next to lynn. "good i guess" she didn't mean to sound as negative as she did, but she had this feeling that something heavy was sitting on her shoulders, pushing her down. "what do you mean good" luna questioned. "i don't know, i broke up with him" she shrugged her shoulders in response. luna gave her a confused look. "are you sad? isn't that what you wanted?"

"yes, it is, but i also went to talk to nessa" she avoided meeting her sisters gaze and stared at her shoes. luna raised her eyebrows as a motion for her to continue. "well she slammed the door in my face and basically told me she never wanted to talk to me again"

"let me go talk to her" luna suggested, the offer immediately getting turned down by lynn. "yeah, as if. you're probably going to tell her i like her while you're at it" she still didn't want to admit that she liked her, so letting luna go talk to her would be the stupidest mistake ever.

then she came to think about, what would she even say if nessa actually let her talk. what would she tell her? "i just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that i liked you, so i ignored you instead" lynn cringed at the thought, almost feeling grateful for getting the door slammed in her face. there was no way she ever was going to tell nessa how she felt. then she could add that to the list of reasons not to talk to lynn.

"but what if she likes you back?" luna said, acting as if she didn't already know. "she doesn't. i should just leave her alone" luna could hear the dead in her sisters voice, making her heart ache for her, and not making it any better was her knowing nessa liked her back. of course she wasn't so sure anymore, but her feelings couldn't have died that fast? the way she stared at her at the basket game wasn't a 'just a small crush' look. that much luna could tell.

"no, you don't get to give up, that's not how this works, so listen carefully when i tell you what to do" lynn's stare finally met luna's before she continued. "you lost her by not telling her why you left her alone. so what you want to do is give her something to remind her of how it used to be when you talked. anything, like asking her on a walk or going for ice cream, whatever you did together"

"how would that work when its very clear that she doesn't want to be anywhere near me?" lynn thought this was a waste of time. luna was just speaking nonsense, she had no idea what she was talking about.

"that's the point! you don't need her to actually go, just remember how it was. i saw how happy she was around you, theres no way she doesn't miss you. then eventually when shes tortured herself enough thinking about the past, she'll give in and say yes!" lynn thought about it for a second. it did make sense. she just had to find a time when she wasn't around all her friends.

nessa's fingers hovered over the screen of her phone. her heart was screaming for her to text lynn, but her brain told her to ignore her. part of her wanted to belive that she actually had a good reason to do what she did, but deep down she knew that the reason she came back was probably beacuse the guilt was eating her. she turned off her phone and tossed it to the other end of the bed.

good luck, babe! || lynn loudWhere stories live. Discover now