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friends-chase atlantic'and what the hell were we? tell me were weren't just friends'

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friends-chase atlantic
'and what the hell were we? tell me were weren't just friends'

the first thing lynn saw when she walked in the front door was all her older sisters gathered in the living room. everyone except luna was on the couch and she had a marker in her hand. it looked like they were planning something, but who knew what they were up to. whatever it was, lynn didn't want to know.

all of their heads snapped towards their younger sister before they ran up to her, everyone talking over each other. lynn blankly stared at them, waiting for them to shut up so she actually could hear what they were trying to say.

eventually they stopped talking and luna spoke. "new shirt i see" she grinned. lynn however, was not in the mood to hear that talk again. her attempt to push through the crowd of girls currently standing in front of her failed as they all held her back.

"not so easy" luan grabbed her arm and dragged her towards the living room followed by the others. lynn was pushed onto the couch then noticed the paper that was taped onto the tv. but what weirded her out was the bold red letters at the top that spelled lynessa.

"what is this" you didn't need to be an expert to tell that she thought they were crazy, the look on her face giving it all away.

"we figured r you clearly aren't able to ask out nessa yourself, we made you a guide" lynn protested immediately. "heck no. i am not doing another one of luna's sick plans" she stood up again very ready to leave the room. "i didn't plan this" the girl dressed in purple tried defending herself. "i thought you did?" leni cut in, only receiving a glare from luna. "just hear us out" luan broke in.

"no, i'm not doing this. nessa doesn't like me" she pushed herself past luan and luna, making her way towards her room completely ignoring the fact that they had almost kissed under 24 hours ago. "but luna said-" leni was cut off by luna covering her mouth.

"well that was a waste of time" the yellowdressed loud slumped down on the couch.

as promised, nessa kept her word and came to lynn's game the next day. it wasn't really that big of a surprise when they won, but it still made nessa happy to see how much it meant to lynn. there were moments she actually considered joining one of the teams lynn was on, just to be able to be one of the people she almost tackled to the ground whilst celebrating her wins.

the main reason that didn't happen was because she sucked at any form of team play, even worse when it included a ball. she was just not able to communicate with the other players and remember what she's supposed to be doing and how to do it, also knowing that her performance meant something to everyone around her.

meanwhile down on the field as the team was celebrating, margo shot a look towards the stands, locking eyes with a familiar face. "hey, isn't that vanessa?" she bumped into lynn to get her attention. "yeah, i asked her to come" margo gave a confused look as a she sign she wasn't keeping up. "you're friends again?" lynn just nodded in response.


just friends

but they didn't feel like just friends. at least not to lynn. was she supposed to pretend that they never almost kissed. twice. was that just casual to nessa? because it kept lynn up at night.

in silence lynn looked everywhere on the stands for the person margo had pointed out. "lynn.." she started, not getting her attention so she just continued. "do you like her?" this on the other hand made her head turn, but also forget how to speak. "ha! i knew it!" the redhead cheered.

lynn felt drained after trying to deny her crush for so long and it was clearly showing, because it seemed like her body language gave it away and was fairly easy to read.

margo noticed her down attitude, completely opposite from just 5 minutes prior. "don't worry, i won't tell. and i think she might be into you as well" lynn's face lit up a little, not because of what margo said, but because she saw nessa pushing through the crowd on the stands on her way down.

not to long after she jogged over the soccerfield and greeted lynn with a hug. none of them could see the smirk on margos lips as she made sure to wipe it off before they turned their attention away from each other.

"you played amazing!" nessa complimented both of them. the redhead smiled. "thank you! lynn didn't tell me you were here?" margo shot a look over at her team mate who looked mezmerized just by vanessa's presence.

"you didn't?" nessa pushed lynn's shoulder, acting offended, but she only shrugged her shoulders and mumbeled in response. "i forgot"

there was a tone in her voice that made nessa question if she understood it was a joke or not. "i'm kidding" she assured before continuing. "i gotta go, but i'll see you on friday?" nessa said already backing up, knowing probably would speak at school every day.

"what's happening on friday" margo grinned once nessa had left. lynn still felt down which was unusual because they had just won their game, something that always made her genuinely happy. "she invited me to one of her friends birthday party" she explained. margo chuckled. "well have fun" she patted her back before heading back to the rest of their team.

good luck, babe! || lynn loudWhere stories live. Discover now