11: friends like this

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Desline's pov

We fetched Michelle on the Chatsworth centre mall and smiled when she entered with bags no lie this girl's boyfriend knew how to spoil her.

"I can't believe you ditched me." I said and she laughed.

"sorry not sorry desslllyy listen if you hooked up with this Mr Grey you could have been like me" she bragged and Jason laughed.

"tell her then.... Maybe you teach her not to be so uptight." Jason said winking at me and I covered my eyes hiding a blush. I was such a baby at times it shocked me.

Oh no come on.

We went home and because Michelle and I stay so close we jumped off from my house. She ran to my room hiding the things from her mom as usual and she ran out going home.

I was by now finished, tired as every part of me was drenched and I needed to shower.

"We bumped with Mike on the way so, he gave her." I said and my mom smiled softly honestly I know Mike is her big brother who nobody cares for but it doesn't change anything to her.

"I know it's not Mike who gave her so stop trying to cover up for her like you always do i tell you If I hear that you became like her and started having relationships outside without our knowledge I'll disown you." she said and I smiled.

"good thing you're a virgin you'll know how treasured you will feel when your husband comes about" she said and I smiled.

"yeah mom.... Good thing I am not like them." I mumbled lowering my head and she chuckled.

"now hurry up your father is waiting downstairs to hear what you guys came up with." mom said giggling and went outside and I signed.

Our body is the temple of lord....

Desline what are you doing?? I know I'm 19 and old enough to be in a relationship but my mom thinks 21 is the right age for fucks sakes she got pregnant at 16.

Not judging or anything I just don't want to look really bad know all the girls are going through their own shits all of them.

Michelle is the bad reputation.

Anna is the tight restrictions her parents give her for fucks sakes she don't go anywhere but school and church.

Funny is the whoring reputation she somehow got because she flirted in school.

So life is rough for all of us but I guess we have to keep up.

I took my phone a did a voice note telling the girls I have something to say and they all were so excited band waiting for it as I had to go downstairs freshening up I changed my clothes.

"so what was the big idea?" mom asked and I smiled widely looking at the TV the young band was praying and stuffanf I smiled even wider

"it was youths.... All in one place.... Praying to God for 3 whole days... Like a conference but for young people" I said and mom smiled

"that's a fantastic idea let me guess Jason proposed it right?" she asked and dad cleared his throat making mom realised what she said but I still nodded of course because I'm too stupid to propose something like that.

"he said he will make a schedule and give you on Sunday since he is busy" I said and they smiled and I ran upstairs.

I'm a genius


Thanks guys for reads

Another update

Love ya❤️

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