36; the truth

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Anna's POV(bride in blood)

I was sitting down in the cafe with Jason when my phone rang and I smiled seeing the caller ID.

"Kay.... what's up....WHAT???!!!! ABORTION???" I stood up running outside as I was about to call my Uber and Jason pulled me to that I looked at him and swallowed hard..

His eyes held a dangerous look in them and I moved back a little bit from him, the man was scary sometimes.

"Anna.... What's happening.... You tell me what that little friend is planning right now?? Who's removing a pregnancy?" He asked and I took a sharp breathe in.

"Well... Shesaidthatshewasgoingforanapointmentbutnowkaylasaidthatshewantstoabort" I trailed off when he pulled me in his car...damn for a chubby baby like the me he is one strong guy.

I told him the directions pretending to fidget and when we made our way to the doctor he just budged in every room and I swallowed hard seeing everyone was scared...

The look he gave off was one that could kill anyone that came on his way and I followed running out of breathe.

We budged in the room to see Desly sitting down on the doctor thingy with a gown hugging her .

"Are you ready?" The doctor was asking and as soon as they saw us Desly held her breathe...it was obvious.

I couldn't believe the look in her eyes when she saw him.... It was almost as if she was broken.

"Oh dear... Mr can you please wait outside" funny and I shared a look and she smiled softly at the doctor.

"It's fine ...... He is her husband..." Funny said and I looked at my nails fidgeting with them as we entered...

Well the drama should start after this session.

"Jason... You're back... You're here??" She asked shook and knowing that was her weakness ..... The fact that she couldn't tell us and I looked at her... I knew she will pretend somehow.

"You wanted to abort my child?"he asked and she started laughing.

"of course not Mr Gray.... It's your wife's first appointment today so we were just going to check a few things and get her some pills" the doctor said and he turned looking at me.

Realising that we played both of them grinned at us and I prayed the floor will suck my 5'1 self.

"Anna.... I'll say this and I'll say it again... You are the best"he said giving me a hug and I smiled as we both sat down and watched the magic happened.

We got the sound things.(sorry your author dunno Nothing about pregnancy until a month ago)

I looked at Jason as every two minutes he looked at Desly and I smiled widely .

"Okay... Desly we will go home to pack up.... You stay with him and catch up... You know what I mean" I winked and she rolled her eyes begging us to take her and I smiled widely as we took a separate car while giving Jason a death glare.

He smirked as he opened the car and started driving off.

Desline's POV

The car was silent and just like that the memories that made me leave him in the first place and I just started crying ... The sobs were impossible to hold back.

The car stopped and he carried me up to him like a baby soothing me and watched me as I messed his expensive suit with my tears.

I had always been  such an ugly crier


The only thing I managed to get out was that he signed looking defeated even his body was starting to give up...

What exactly happened??

Another update guyss

Love you.

If you want update, please do tell.


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⏰ Last updated: 8 hours ago ⏰

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