Chapter Nine

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Hwang In-Yeop

I parked the car and glanced at a sleeping Sage. I moved her hair out of her face and smiled. I slowly tapped her shoulder before her eyes fluttered open.

"Sage, we're here." I said.

She sat up rubbed her hands down her face before looking out the window.

"Wow." She said.

I smiled.

"It's so beautiful." She squealed.

She opened the door before I got out, I stood beside her as we looked at the scene in front of us.

"Since it was so late I decided on the amusement park. It's better in the dark than day." I explained.

She smiled before looking at me.

"It's perfect." She smiled.

I grabbed her hand before we began to walk. We stopped at a Photo Booth, I gave a questionable glance.

"Don't look at me like that come on." She said grabbing my hand.

We walked into the Photo Booth and I noticed it was only one seat.

"It's only one chair." I said.

"Oh, you can go first." She said pressing the timer.

I quickly pulled her on my lap as the photos began too snap.

"In-Yeop." She groaned.

"Smile." I said.

She looked at me and laughed throwing her head back. We posed different ways before stepping out.

She grabbed the photos before smiling.

"Let me see." I said.

She placed the pictures in my hand and I smiled. I ripped it in half before passing one to her.

"Let's get on that." She said pointing at the rollercoaster.

"Have you ever been?" I asked.

"Nope." She giggled.

I smiled before we got in line, I held her hand as we made it up the steps. We settled into the seat, she gripped on my hand for dear life as the ride began.

We both screamed incredibly loud, for both of us to be super natural beings we were really giving human energy. Once the ride was over we sat on a near by bench letting our brains relax.

"That was fun." She said.

I smiled as I looked at her.

"Are you thirsty?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I'll get us something to drink." I stood up and pecked her forehead before walking away.

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