Sage Taylor
I jumped out of my sleep and scratched my head, I looked out window confused before sitting up. The sound of singing filled my ears before I looked around, Dong-Min grip on my shoulder grew tighter causing me to look at him.
"You ok?" He asked.
"Were you singing?" I asked.
"No, I'll sound like a dying cat." He chuckled.
"Hm." I said sitting back.
"Hey, you're finally up." In-Yeop smiled.
I smiled.
"Hungry?" He asked.
"Not really." I mumbled.
"Here." He said passing me a bag.
"What is this?" I asked.
"It's meatloaf, Dad made it last night." He said.
"How is it still warm?" I asked.
"Well, Tether owed me a favor so." He shrugged.
"Who the hell is Tether?" Dong-Min asked confused.
"A dragon, Yo tether." In-Yeop called out.
A guy with long black hair stood up and looked at us before waving, I smiled and wave back.
"A dragon named tether." Dong-Min shook his head.
"My father is a dragon." I said opening the container.
"Really?" In-Yeop asked.
"Wow, that has to be cool." Dong-Min said.
"So wait, your family are all different?" In-Yeop asked.
I nodded as I took a bite of my food.
"So what is your brother and sister?" Dong-MIn asked.
"My sister is a chimera and my brother is a basilisk." I said.
"And your mother was a siren...and you're a siren." In-Yeop said.
"That's your power?" Dong-Min asked.
I looked at In-Yeop before glancing at Dong-Min.
"Um yep." I nodded.
"Can you sing like the myths?" He asked.
"Yep..." I trailed.
Before he could ask anymore information the bus came to a stop.
"Here, I'll take it." In-Yeop said standing.
I smiled before placing the container in his hand.
"Ok, we're here stay with a group and don't go to far. We will board the boat in an hour." Ms.Lu said.

The Foreigner
FanfictionBeing the only human being in her family was already stressful enough but being the only HUMAN BEING in a country full of super beings was even worse. Sage Taylor is the only human in a family full of vampires...her siblings loved her to death but s...