Chapter Eleven

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Sage Taylor

I jumped out of my sleep and scratched my head, I looked out window confused before sitting up. The sound of singing filled my ears before I looked around, Dong-Min grip on my shoulder grew tighter causing me to look at him.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Were you singing?" I asked.

"No, I'll sound like a dying cat." He chuckled.

"Hm." I said sitting back.

"Hey, you're finally up." In-Yeop smiled.

I smiled.

"Hungry?" He asked.

"Not really." I mumbled.

"Here." He said passing me a bag.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It's meatloaf, Dad made it last night." He said.

"How is it still warm?" I asked.

"Well, Tether owed me a favor so." He shrugged.

"Who the hell is Tether?" Dong-Min asked confused.

"A dragon, Yo tether." In-Yeop called out.

A guy with long black hair stood up and looked at us before waving, I smiled and wave back.

"A dragon named tether." Dong-Min shook his head.

"My father is a dragon." I said opening the container.

"Really?" In-Yeop asked.

"Wow, that has to be cool." Dong-Min said.

"So wait, your family are all different?" In-Yeop asked.

I nodded as I took a bite of my food.

"So what is your brother and sister?" Dong-MIn asked.

"My sister is a chimera and my brother is a basilisk." I said.

"And your mother was a siren...and you're a siren." In-Yeop said.

"That's your power?" Dong-Min asked.

I looked at In-Yeop before glancing at Dong-Min.

"Um yep." I nodded.

"Can you sing like the myths?" He asked.

"Yep..." I trailed.

Before he could ask anymore information the bus came to a stop.

"Here, I'll take it." In-Yeop said standing.

I smiled before placing the container in his hand.

"Ok, we're here stay with a group and don't go to far. We will board the boat in an hour." Ms.Lu said.

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