First meeting of Archana and Shobha

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When Vikram said this, Preeti's breath stopped for a moment. She slowly turned towards Vikram and started looking into his eyes.

Vikram said to her, "Sorry, I may have done a little too much drama. Don't worry, I will drink milk." Saying this, Vikram pinched her cheek lightly and smiled slowly.

But Preeti did not say anything, she was looking at him silently. The very next moment Preeti stood on her toes and kissed Vikram on his cheek.

This action of Preeti surprised Vikram. His eyes widened and his heart beat became faster. He started looking at Preeti in surprise and the very next moment Preeti kissed his other cheek too. Now it seemed as if Vikram's life had come to his throat. His throat had dried up. He wanted to say something but no sound was coming out of his throat.

Preeti was looking into his eyes.  Today Vikram could see a different feeling in Preeti's eyes which he probably knew.

He held Preeti's waist and pulled her close to him and put one hand on her cheek and said softly, "You have kissed me, now say that too."

After waiting for a few moments, Preeti put her hand on his cheek and said, "I love you."

Hearing "I love you" from her mouth, Vikram closed his eyes and joined his head with hers and taking a deep breath said, "Say it once again."

"I love you Vikram, I love you. I have started loving you a lot. I made a relationship with you after seeing your goodness and your love forced me to love you. You make me fall in love with you and I started to fall for you. I love you, I really really love you."

"Enough Preeti, enough. Now don't say anything more than this or else maybe my heart will come out of my mouth.  " , Vikram said placing his finger on Preeti's lips and kissed her forehead lovingly.

Vikram held her face in both his hands and looked lovingly into her eyes and said, " Preeti you don't know how much I longed to hear these words from your mouth. "

“I know, I know that every night when you did not get a reply to your love on the phone, you used to feel pain. But I wanted to express my love by standing in front of you and looking into your eyes, not on the phone. That is why I used to stop myself.” Preeti said holding his hand.

Vikram said smilingly, “It is good that you stopped yourself, otherwise if you had said it on the phone, then perhaps I would have entered in the phone, then come out of your phone and hugged you.”

Hearing such a silly thing from Vikram once again, Preeti laughed out loud and Vikram started looking at her smiling face smiling.

This smiling face of Preeti was the only solace in his life, for which he was ready to say such stupid things throughout his life.

Preeti said laughingly, “Vikram, you are also really completely mad. Really, after making you, God must have broken that structure, that is why there will be no other Vikram in the world.  "

"Are you praising me or criticizing me?" Vikram asked staring at Preeti. Preeti controlled her laughter and said, "Oh, I am criticizing you in a complimentary way."

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