Part One

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"____, did you pack everything?" you mom asked as she packed your younger siblings' suitcases. 'Wow, we're really moving to Japan. A place where everything is completely different. I bet (sister's name) is happy because she living all by herself. What school is she going? Oh yeah, she's going to Karasuno High (Haikyuu reference). I'm leaving by myself too bu-'

"_____, are you ready? We need to go or we'll miss our flight!" Mom yell across the hall. I quickly zip up everything, carry the bags downstairs, and watch as the furniture leave the house. I left the house and waved to my friends who came to say bye. 'Weird, I'm not even sad.' I put on my headphones and zone out everything. I felt someone slapping my arm and put out my headphones.

"_____, have you learn Japanese? Have you decided which school you're going? " (Sister's name) asked.

"Yeah, I was planning to go to Seirin. It's hard to learn a completely different language. Did you?" I replied.

"Yeah, took me longer to write rather than speaking it, but you know at least well be able watch anime without subtitles LoL." I nodded and stared out the window.

"Yo, are you still going to play basketball? " she asked as she was trying to find her headphones in her backpack.

"Not sure yet, maybe I'll be a manger or something. Japanese basketball is a little different than American basketball, you know. Anyway, I'm tired." I stretched as she nodded. I rest my head on the window and went to sleep.
"Wake up, we're here."

"Where? Just give me 5 more mins. Okay, thanks. I tried to shoo whoever waking me up by someone grabbed my hand.

"Okay, I'm up. Geez, calm down. What time is it?" I asked as rubbed my eyes.

"Its time to go into the airplane. Hurry, let go. Mom is waiting!" All the suitcases was gone, I grabbed my backpack and ran to catch up to (S/n). Luckily we made it on time. The airplane was as crowded as I thought it would be. I waited until lift off to be able to play on my phone. After the bumpy experience, I started to play on my phone for 15 minutes to realize this is boring and its going to be a long airplane ride. I got on Kik to text my friends. Then I watch some videos on YouTube. 2 hours later, one of my friends responded when I was in the middle of a video. I ignored them and continue watched my video. 'How long will it take to reach Japan. I'm sooo done with life. Ughhhhhhhh, why???' I shifted around my chair and fell asleep again. I really don't care if I snore or drool.

I woke up at the middle of the night, sweating. 'Nightmares' I looked around to see if anyone was using the restroom. I couldn't tell because the light of the restroom was to dim. I got up and know on the door. I heard some movements and shifted out of the way. Two people and hot air came out of the restroom, the girl hair was messed up. The guy was covered with lipstick. 'Fuck, are you for real! They fucked inside the restroom. The only restroom! Why? I hate people.' I went back to my seat. I got my phone out and text my friend , just to annoy them.

That it for now, I hope you like it. I don't have any experience with airplanes. No worries, the story will be get better. See ya!

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