Part Two

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Italicize words is Japanese meaning you're speaking Japanese. 

Underline words means you're speaking in English.

Bold words means your thoughts.


After the interesting flight to (Country name) to Japan, you finally was able to see Japan with your own eyes. Its was beautiful, well blend of building and nature. 'Wow, Japan is really beautiful,' You thought.  Before leaving the airport, you noticed four teens. One semi-short guy had light blue hair, three tall teens had red, green,blonde and black hair."Did they dye their hair or is it all natural? Did the blue hair guy just got out of bed? I wonder if I can go talk to them... I will." You walked up next to them. As you got closer, your sister ran up to you and pulled your arm.

"____, Where are you going? We need to set up the apartments and find our school to enroll." She let go of your arm and glazed at the boys, seeing if they're paying any attention to you or your sister. You sighed and grabbed your bags.

"Okay, but do you see those guys over there? The ones with green and blue hair?"  You motioned your eyes in their direction because it's rude to point. Your sister looked at the boys, moved her eyebrows, and looked at you.

"Yeah, I always thought different color hair happens in manga or at anime. Sometimes you would see at school, you know," Your sister reassured you. You smiled and looked around to find the rest of your family. Your sister told you to wait here so she could find the rest of the family. You slowly walked toward the group. You overheard them talking about your conversation.

"Awwww, I wasn't able to understand the cute girls. They were talking in English. Kagami~ what were they talking about?" The blonde boy asked to one of the other boys. One of the boys blushed a little.

"S-shut up!" The red hair answered. You assumed his name was Kagami and he could speak English. The blone hair kept on asking Kagami for the translation. You noticed that a blue and black hair boy was staring at your direction. You gave the boy a smile and waved at him. He waved back.

"Who are you waving at, Nanodayo?"  The tall green hair boy asked. "Nanodayo? What does that? Is this a slang term for a bad word or something? Its sounds weird but cool. It might be his catch phrase or something, cool." You thought and heard black hair talking.

"The girl over there, she smiled and waved at me so I waved back. " The black hair boy didn't take his eyes off of you when he was talking about the green hair boy. You looked at the green hair boy's face and smiled. He put this hand up to adjust his glasses. You could see some pink on his cheek. "Okay, I have been here for the past five minutes and sis texted me that she will be here in 5 minutes sooo, I guess I could go and talk to them? I don't know but I'll try. I guess but I would talk in English to see if I'm right..."  You walked toward them, again. 

"Hello there," you waved at the boys. All of them said hello in English. "Okay, so I'm guessing they know basic English..." 

"Okay, um, I overheard you guys talking about my conversation and calling my sister and I 'cute'" You looked at Kagami's blushing face. The blonde boy pouted and wined about not being able to understand. 

"No-o. Nobody was calling you c-cute. N-no, you are cute b-but..." You laughed and gave him a friendly punch.

"No worries. Thanks for the compliment, you're too fucking cute." You looked at the others and gave them the cutest smile that you ever gave. The blonde gave you a hug so tightly and you returned the hug as well. 

"You're so cute!!!!" The boy was awing on your cuteness. 

"Thanks, damn you guys are so tall. Except blue, he's so cute," You looking at the poker face boy and gave another smile to him. "Anyways, I thought it was pretty weird that you guys were talking about my conversation with my sister. SO if you must know, I was talking about your hair. Not in a bad way but I just wanted to know if its natural or not." You had no shame but when ever you talk to any boys, you tend to blush. Your ears and cheeks got red but you really didn't care. The guys thought it was super cute and really amazed on your blunt statement. 

"My hair is natural but I don't know about the others." said the blue hair boy.

"Okay, what's your name?" You asked and put out your hand (handshake).

"Kuroko Tetsuya, your name is?"  Kuroko firmly shakes your hand and lightly smiles.

"I'm First Name Last Name. Its nice to meet you," You let go of his hand and face the rest of the crowd. You shook hands with everyone and exchanged numbers. 

Your sister came by to see that your over there talking to stranger. She got annoyed and dragged you out. Everyone was confused and saw you being dragged far, far away.


That's the chapter update!! I hope you like it, it took awhile because I want it to flow, also I lost my original idea. Original ideas was you would meet Midorima and Takao first before anyone and your sister would joke around with you to make you look good in front of the guys. Idk what happened but leave in the comment if you like this version or you want the original version. I actually read and reply to most all the comments unless its like "cute" or something like that.  Anyway, have a great day/night/afternoon/2am.

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