Part 3

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Underline is English while bold italicize would be Japanese.  Since your sister wasn't able to find the rest of the family, you two decided to home. Your luggage is already at your own apartment. 


"Sooo, are we heading to your apartment?" You asked to ease the awkwardness. You were carrying the both our backpacks. 

"Yeah we need to take the train, its far from the city." Your sister said with disinterested look, looking for a train station. You struggled on carrying the backpack when a very tall, brown hair guy grabbed the backpack. You quickly latch on the backpack and your sister grabbed your shoulder to prevent you to hit him.

"What are you doing??" You yelled at your sister and the stranger. The stranger was with a short, brown hair girl and a tall black hair guy with glasses. You glanced in the two stranger yelling at the taller stranger. 

"You going to hit him! Why would you hit stranger?"

"He was about to steal our backpack, I was defending myself. What else was I suppose to do?" You sarcastically said.

"I'm sorry about that, I just saw you struggling and I just wanted to help." The taller male said, rubbing the back of his neck. You didn't know what to do, 'should I forgive him? Should I call him out?' Your sister apologized on your behalf.

"I'm sorry about my sister's behavior. Its just there was a few thugs where we came from." You walked aside to try to cool off when the girl came. You sat down on the nearest bench and just started to think about everything.

"Are you alright? I'm really sorry about him, he just too friendly which can be mistaken for a criminal." You looked up at her and sighed. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Its okay, I guess I can kind of understand." You looked around and seeing your sister chatting with two male stranger. You felt proud of her for making friends.

"I'm Riko Adia. The tall guy is Teppei Kiyoshi and the one with glasses is Hyuuga Junpei." She smiled, took out her hand and you kindly shook it. 

"I'm ______ and my sister's name is ____." 

"You're a foreigner, right?" You nodded, Riko sat down at next to you.

"Yeah, my sister and I just came here from (Country's Name) because our dad got a promotion on his job." 

"That's good, which school are you and your sister going?" 

"I'm going to Seirin while my sister is going somewhere pretty far from the city. I worried how is my sister going manage to keep the apartment."

"You two are leaving on your own?"

"Yeah, it would be easier since we both got accepted into different school." Riko seem a bit shock.

"I have to go, bye Riko. I was nice talking to you." You smiled and walked away. You sister was sitting on the floor while the guys were just looking around.

"Yo, ---- ready to go?" You sister asked and Teppei and Hyuuga turned around to face you.

"Yeah, I'm pretty dramatic you know. Anyways, what were talking about with the guys?"You grabbed your backpack and tied your shoe.

"You, the guys seems to like you. Seems to early for me."No one knew what you guys were talking about. Hyuuga seem to interested knowing what was the topic. 

"Love at first sight is weird to me. Is that all you talked about?" In the corner of your eyes, you could see Riko talking to Teppei and Hyuuga.

"Mostly about you and what school you're going." You and your sister waved goodbye to them and headed towards train station to fix up your sister apartment.

"Shit, that's pretty creepy. How are you going to decorate your apartment? Isn't it going to the same as the picture on pinterest?"You smirked. The sun starting to go down and your sister started to worry.

"I wish I was rich. It really getting late (Name), do you want to sleepover at my place?" I took thought about it and shook your head.

"No thanks, (Sis's name). I'll be fine, so do you want me to still help you with decoration or should I drop you off?" Your sister answered that you should drop her off since we have to go to school the next day. You guys arrived to the really nice apartment and notice your mom was here since the cabinets was filled with food as well as clothes nicely folded. You smiled, hugged your sister and waved bye to her. "How is school going to be like?" You thought to yourself as you made it safely to your place. You quickly set up the bed and try to find your uniform since it was almost midnight and you don't want to be late for school. 

"Do girls really wear to mid-thigh shirt? I'm not doing this, what happens if I drop a pencil or worse the wind! Like noooo." You said out loud. You laid on the bed, "I need to sleep." You wrapped yourself with the blanket and turned off the light. 

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