nine | COFFEE

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📍Barcelona, 11th July, 2022

I had landed back in Barcelona two hours ago.I got changed into a pair of baggy jeans and a fitted white t-shirt with some sneakers.

I texted Ferran to meet me at a Café in between his apartment and Pablo's parents house. I walked to the cafe with my airpods in.

The cafe came into view and then I spotted Ferran sat inside, his leg anxiously bouncing up and down as he stared at his phone.

"Bon día" I smiled at him and then gave him a hug and an air kiss to each cheek in a form of greeting him.

"Buenas Cate" I sat across from him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him genuinely.

"I-I don't know."

"Fer, I know it's hard. Trust me more than anyone but you can't let yourself mope around like I did. I instantly regretted pushing everyone away and staying locked inside my room."

"Cate, I just, I don't, If I loose my spot in the national team, I won't be able-" I put my hand over his.

"Hey, hey, Fer, Luis will not drop you just because his daughter did. I promise you're an important player on the team"

"You don't know him like I do"

"Pablo has told me you're good, I've seen it, he's right you're one of the best, he won't throw you to the side and bench you"

"I hope not"

"Okay, I'm gonna order us some coffee, would you like a vanilla cappuccino?"

"You know me so well" I laughed and headed to the counter. I ordered myself an iced vanilla latte and a vanilla cappuccino before going to sit down again.

"How has work been?"

"Ah, ah, don't change the subject, tell me what happened"

"She didn't even explain it Cate, she just said it simply, we're done, and with that she left" I looked at Ferran in shock. "just like that?"

"Just like that" I shook my head. "you didn't deserve that"

"I know how you feel, em, Lando accused me of liking Pablo and with that said 'i'm leaving' that was the breakup I got"

"Hardly? you and pablo are best friends" I nodded my head in agreement "and you have been since you were like eight"


The waiter came down and dropped the two coffees on the table "gracias" Ferran and I spoke in unison.

"You're coming to Florida right?"

"Yeah I am, I will be there if you need"

"Thank god" I laughed at him "We can go out and get drunk when the game is over"

"gladly" I looked at the time. "do you have training today?"

"Yeah, In like 20 minutes, crap" I laughed again.

"Let's go" "you're coming?"

"Emotional support and I haven't seen my boys in a few days"

I stood up, picking my bag up, my coffee and my phone. The two of us walked to his car. I got into the passenger seat. The two of us went to the training grounds. It was a short drive from the cafe. I sat in the reception and waited for the boys to come out of the dressing room. I saw Ansu first, I smiled at him and waved. Then Pedri came out. "Ah buenas!" he jogged over giving my a hug. "How was Austria?"

"It was so good, I was so glad to see Charles win"

"I know, he did amazingly"

Pablo now exited the dressing room.

"Cate, hi!" I smiled at him too, hugging him and he kissed the top of my head.

It was something we had just done so naturally, he'd kiss the top of my head, my cheek or i'd kiss his cheek or his ear in a sense, I'd hug him and from where I was I'd plant a gentle kiss, that could also be on his shoulder or the base of his jaw. It was Pablo's love language in a way, with the boys aswell, when hugging them he'd kiss their necks or cheeks obviously not in a romantic way. It was just his way of showing respect and love.

I squeezed Pablo in my grip, then placed a kiss on his collar bone.

"Wow guys, get a room!" I turned to look at Pique not moving from Pablo's embrace.

Physical contact was all my love language, I always had to be closely connected with the people in my life, when I laugh I grasp at the person beside me, I hug people all the time, kiss people in a greeting, hold hands, everything to have contact with my loved ones.

"Hello to you too Pique"

The group of boys headed to their medical checks. I sat in the hallway on my phone, my laptop also out and I did some work for uni.

Once Pablo had finished with his tests the two of us sat in a comfortable silence, him on his phone, scrolling on tiktok while I continued to work on my report.

Pedri and Ferran now exited their tests.

"Pablo you coming to train or sit here with your girlfriend?" Pedri asked, I rolled my eyes in response.  "I'm coming, I'm coming" Pablo stood up, patting my leg when doing so. He jogged outside with the boys while I stayed doing my work.

Ferran told me in the car that when they finished training today that they were meeting with the president of Barcelona. They were nervous even though they've met him loads.

I got fed up doing work so I decided to go outside to watch the boys for a bit.


A/N: I know this is shorter and not as good but i felt bad that I didn't post in over a week.

ALSO SPAIN WON THE EUROS!!!! Morata's speech for Gavi was really cute and also just him celebrating with them was amazing to
watch 🇪🇸🏆💪

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