Chapter 6

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Pacing in his office in his black armor covered by a hooded cloak Harry smiled as he looked down on the village and saw the different elf groups mingling with the Amazon women and a few goblins. The six elf clans had settled in well since they came to the island with each of them settling into their niche. The water elfs tended to live at the edges of the city to get to the water faster as they spent most of their day making boats or fishing in the shallows to bring food in for the city while the Forest elves, who lived in the same area, spent their days hunting in the forests and noting what animals lived on the island. The Dark and High elves had each, with his permission, taken over a portion of his citadel were they worked and lived out of. The Blood and fire elves lived scattered throughout the city doing whatever work took their fancy.

Turning to look at all the women in the office with him he said "Alright girls I figured that I might as well ride on the damn train to the school but I can some of you with me.". "Otrera," he began turning to his brunette wife "you will be staying here to keep an eye on everything and to contact me in case anything gets out of hand.".

"Yes Harry." Otrera said with a nod from her position in the back where she was keeping an eye on Reyna and Bellatrix.

"Reyna and Bellatrix are going to be staying here in their rooms." he said firmly, sending the two in question a hard look making them sulk.

"Now," he turned to his right "Bellona, Propheta, I would like the both of you to come with me.".

"Of course Harry." Bellona said smiling while resting a hand on his shoulder as Propheta nodded in agreement.

"Now," he turned to the final four slaves "Dominique, Hestia, Andromeda, Narcissa. Do you four have any problems coming and possibly running into your husbands and, in Narcissa's and Dominique's case, children?".

"I would like to risk it." Narcissa said faintly as everyone turned to her "I-I may be glad to be rid of Lucius but I am worried about my son. I tried to make him a good man but he took too much after his father.".

Andromeda gave her sister a comforting hug and nodded at Harry to show that she would come as well followed by Dominique and Hestia.

"Finally I would like to bring Darna from the Dark Elfs with us as some extra protection." he finished to which the rest of the girls, bar Reyna and Bellatrix, agreed. Nodding to them he walked towards the room where he knew his children were training and they immediately ran up to him once he entered yelling "Daddy!".

"Hey guys," he said scooping them up in a hug, laughing as they tried climbing all over him, "I'm about to go to catch the train but I'll be back here later tonight to tuck you in.".

"Alright Daddy!" they all said in unison with Artemis and Lily kissing either cheek while Apollo tried to look tough, until Artemis poked him in the stomach making him pout.

Giving his children one last hug he walked back to his office to get the girls before they head off through use of a portkey. After a few moments of spinning they all landed, with Darna fading into the shadows upon arrival, in what Narcissa informed him was Platform 9 3/4. Looking around he saw a train car that appeared to be made of silver which was surrounded by a crowd of students most of whom wore green and silver trimmed robes. Raising an eyebrow he walked towards the crowd and heard the majority of them grumbling about not being able to get the door open while the rest were simply amused at the situation. "You mean you honestly cannot figure out how to open the door?" he asked out loud getting everyone to turn their attention towards him.

Harry Potter : King of the Amazons By TheSilverboarWhere stories live. Discover now