Chapter 19

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Giving a bestial roar he charged down the hill towards the death eaters, an army of amazons and elves charging behind him, weapons drawn, and battle cries upon their lips. Seeing Pythos shooting towards the death eaters and drawing close to him he leapt into the air, landing on his familiar's head as he pointed his blade at the masked terrorists in front of them and yelled "To Battle!".

"Hold the line!" one of the inner circle death eaters screamed as the recruits began panicking, "Don't flee! Kill the False King!".

Grinning he called out "Hello there Lucius, shouldn't you still be at that healer?" causing the man to twitch.

Before Lucius could try to retort or deny the first wave of Amazons met the Death eater recruits, screams piercing the night as his warrior's spears pierced the flesh of the terrorist recruits. Leaping from Pythos' head he dove into the middle of the group of terrorists, slashing and weaving around the recruits as his basilisk poisoned blade pierced their flesh as they dropped to the ground while the poison raged through their veins.

"Retreat!" Lucius cried as more and more of the recruits fell to him, Pythos, and his army "Retreat!".

"Forward!" he yelled, speeding up his slashes "Don't let them get away!". In the end most of the inner circle managed to escape, only two of them managing to die from his army as he gazed out over the field of corpses of the terrorist recruits and the two inner circle.

Sighing he pulled his sword from the chest of the final recruit he slew and wiped the blade clean on the robe of one of the Death Eaters before turning to Otrera "Report," he ordered, taking in deep breaths to try and calm down from his battle high "what are the casualties?".

"Eighty nine Death Eater recruits killed, eight captured, and two inner circle members dead." Otrera reported as an elf brought forward a roster of the casualties for both sides before she looked mournfully at the list "We have eleven warriors who died in the attack along with another twenty who are seriously injured.".

"Have the injured warriors taken back to the island for medical care immediately," he ordered without hesitation "and have the bodies of our fallen comrades prepared for honorable burial. Their names will be added to the stone of fallen heroes upon our return.". The stone was something he had created shortly after his reign began, where any Amazon warrior that died in comment for their people had their names added to a stone monument so their sacrifice would be remembered for all time.

"As you wish Harry." Otrera said with a nod before she turned to walk away, freezing when he grabbed her arm "Otrera…" he trailed off, fear showing on his face "a-are the girls in the list of casualties?".

Otrera froze at his question before sighing and turning back to him and answering "Hylla came back with one of the elves and joined the battle. She was one of the twenty who were seriously injured…she was hit by a dark cutting curse when she confronted the Inner Circle member we think was Lucius.".

He stiffened at her words before his fist clenched around the hilt of his sword, rage coursing through him at the knowledge that the sniveling little worm he had dealt with earlier had nearly taken his sister away from him. "He will die," he snarled "I will carve his shriveled little heart out of his chest and make him choke on it!" he finished with a roar, his magic bubbling to the surface of his skin, creating a furious aura that whipped a violent gale around him.

Upon seeing Otrera's frightened look he forcefully rested control back over himself and drew his magic back inside his core before turning to his wife and pulling her into an embrace to calm both her and himself down. After letting go he gripped her shoulders "Take Pythos and the rest of our people back to the island. I need to stay here and deal with the fallout from that idiot Fudge. I'll return as soon as I can my love, must get our people to safety.".

"Will you be alright?" Otrera asked nervously, his wife new he could handle himself on the battle field but politics was still something that confused her.

"They don't have the power to touch me," he said with a weak smile "either politically, magically, or physically.". He could tell she didn't like it but she complied and issued the orders, the elves quickly taking the dead and injured back to the island before doing the same with the still alive warriors, leaving him alone in a field of corpses as aurors began to pop in.

-Island of the Amazons-

Landing from the portkey with a groan, he slowly rose to his feet, looking around as he saw his family run over to him, his arms quickly filled with his sobbing children who were scared that he wouldn't come back and who had been retting over Hylla. Quickly he began trying to calm his panicking children, hugging them close as he assured them he was alright and that Hylla would be up and playing with them in no time.

After calming his children and putting them to bed he sighed and embraced his wives who had been in a panic since he stayed at the battleground, "What happened?" Bellona asked as he held a shaking Narcissa in his arms.

"A woman with red hair and a monocle, the same one that came to our first island, appeared with several dozen aurors who immediately surrounded me as I was still standing in the middle of a pile of corpses." He explained as one of the elves who acted as servants of his household brought him a glass of brandy "They ordered me to stand down and surrender to the ministry for acts of mass murder.".

"I'm guessing that didn't go over to well?" Propheta asked with a wince as she began thinking about what he might have done at the demand.

"I simply punched the weakling," he said with a shrug "the so called 'elite auror' couldn't even take a single punch before getting knocked out. I then turned to the monocle wearing woman, ignoring the rest of the aurors, and stated that if they tried to arrest me for defending my family and stopping a terrorist attack then I would not only be withdrawing all of my gold and wealth from Britain but would be declaring war on Wizarding England, pointing out that my army is several times the size of the DMLE forces.".

"And how did that go over?" Hestia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well I learned a new shade of pale a person could go," he said with a small chuckle before his face turned serious "she quickly ordered her aurors to stand down as they tried to figure out what had happened. I explained the situation and with my story and the evidence of the bodies we left behind it looked like she was going to believe me before that idiot Fudge showed up along with some freaky looking woman who resembled a toad. They tried ordering me to surrender control of the nation to their control in recompense for the 'slaughter of innocent Pureblood heirs and Lords'. I threatened to declare war again and have both him and the toad woman publically executed.".

"You threatened the leader of a foreign nation?" Bellona asked in surprise.

"He threatened me and our people," he said with a shrug "I simply told him what would happen if he didn't back off.".

"So who were the inner circle members?" Dominique asked curiously.

"Lords Crabbe and Goyle," he answered his bride to be "I made sure to stop by Gringotts and check about the situation and found out that due to the right of battle conquest, as they were leading a force that was wiped out by ours, we gained half of their family fortune.".

"What are you going to do with it?" Bellatrix asked in confusion.

At that question his gaze hardened "I feel war approaching, it will soon be upon us and we have to be ready. I want our people's training advanced, every warrior is to be ready for combat at all times, to be at peak physical condition. Voldemort will be back to life soon and I'm going to make sure he's going to have a fight on his hands when he comes back."

Harry Potter : King of the Amazons By TheSilverboarWhere stories live. Discover now