Chapter 11

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In the end the two sets of twins had decided to take his offer and swore oaths of loyalty to him and the Amazon people, he was sure that the citizens had a heart attack when he made the announcement. Dumbledore had looked extremely pleased when he saw the four of them joining him, Daphne, Tracey, Blaise, and Theodore at this section of the table. That pleased feeling quickly left when he received four scrolls stating that as the four students were now citizens of the amazon Culture then they were exempt from certain rules, he knew what the scrolls were upon seeing them having received a couple for Daphne and Tracey before.

He had begun to enjoy his charm's class after the diminutive teacher, Professor Flitwick, realized how bored he was with the current material and gave him a list of recommended reading for more advanced things to look into. While he still did the assigned pieces of work, boring though they were, he also took the time to work ahead.

Transfiguration was both one of his favorite and one of his most hated classes that he took. He enjoyed the subject and being able to learn how to change things into other things, as well as finding out ways to use them in a fight. The problem was though that the teacher, Professor McGonagall seemed to hate him for a multitude of reasons that he wasn't sure what exactly they were.

Potions class, while relatively useful, was a chore to even attend due to the teacher's petulant attitude that he had quickly forced to stop, it was either that or fire the man and, unfortunately, the man seemed to care about keeping his job more than insulting him.

Defense against the Dark Arts sounded interesting but was mind numbingly dull with the person they had gotten to teach it so he spent the period doing self-study.

His other two classes, History of Magic and Herbology, he just found useless and only paid enough attention to be able to pass the course.

His flying lesson had been interesting and looked to actually be enjoyable until one of the Gryffindors, one Neville Longbottom, fell of his broom and broke his wrist causing the teacher to leave to bring Longbottom to the Hospital Wing leaving them alone. Malfoy took this as an opportunity to 'assert his dominance' and tried to call him out over who got to steal Longbottom's remembrall. In response he walked up and knocked the whiny brat out with a single punch before pocketing the glass sphere. Later that night he returned the sphere to the shy Gryffindor who accepted it surprised yet grateful before he left to return to his Island.

After that incident he had seen the previously shy Gryffindor had begun to try and grow a backbone and talked back to anyone who had begun insulting himself or Harry.

Two weeks after Daphne and Tracey began going to his Island for training when they can their fathers showed up to try and remove them from training. He had walked into the Great Hall to see the two men yelling at their daughters who seemed scared but were standing their ground, as well as holding back Blaise and Theodore from attacking the two yelling men. He had quickly put the two men in their place and showed that they had no authority to do anything before having them removed from the grounds.

On Halloween night he had been sitting down at the table with his wives and Children who he'd brought as he thought they'd like the feast when the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrel, burst into the Great Hall and screamed about a troll in the Dungeon before fainting. Bursting into action before anyone else had even fully processed what had happened he turned to his wives and told them to protect the children before having the Great Hall sealed and heading out to find the Troll. Hearing a crash he followed it to the source and saw the massive lumbering beast. Not giving it a chance to attack he charged forward and used his sword to cut through the unnoticing beast's Achilles' tendons causing it to fall to the ground. Not giving any room for a counterattack from the down creature he rushed forward and removed its head. Cleaning his blade on the Troll's clothing he returned to the Great Hall and unsealed the doors.

After putting down Dumbledore when the old Headmaster tried to punish him, at first for acting 'outside his authority', then for 'sealing the Great Hall without permission', and finally 'for needlessly killing an innocent creature'. After having all the attempts put down the Headmaster slumped off to sulk.

The patter continued until Christmas where he brought his friends among the different first years to his island to spend the holiday. On Christmas day everyone exchanged gifts, mostly books pertaining to subjects they all enjoyed, but everyone had gotten a myriad of toys for Artemis, Apollo, and Lily. Christmas Afternoon he received a letter from Neville Longbottom along with a package containing what Narcissa called an Invisibility Cloak. Dumbledore had given Neville the cloak, along with a letter stating that it was a Potter family heirloom, and was another attempt of the Headmaster to get Neville's support.

After the Holiday they returned to the Castle where he thoroughly chewed out the Headmaster before having classes continue on as usual. Partway through the new semester Darna came to him with information she had overheard from some of the Gryffindor first years, about how an item called the Philosopher's Stone was being hidden in the School in the forbidden third floor corridor. He put the information to the back of his mind and continued on with his normal business.

In early May Reyna gave birth to a child, a daughter, that was named Rowena and her older siblings doted on her. A month Later in the beginning of June, just before the exams began, Bellatrix gave birth to a child as well, a son named Leonidas who was just as loved as his little sister.

After he finished his last exam he was taking a stroll by the lake when Darna came to him and told him that someone was attempting to steal the stone.

Harry Potter : King of the Amazons By TheSilverboarWhere stories live. Discover now