Chapter 9

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"Can you answer a question?" Dumbledore asked Antioch and Demorio as he added the four new children to the Hogwarts roster.

"You're wondering how we both have a set of fraternal twins that are exactly the same age?" Antioch asked with a smirk to which he nodded.

"It is an old spell our ancestors developed," Demorio answered him "it ensures that we have an heir and a daughter to continue our organization.".

"How large are these organizations anyway?" he asked curious.

"About twenty people for each," Antioch said sheepishly "it only has members of our lines that choose to stay in the organization as many decide they want nothing to do with it.".

"Ah," he sounded as he finished adding the four new students before standing up "now I shall take the four children to the Great Hall and introduce them, you may use my floo to leave.". Nodding the two men quickly exited the floo after reminding their children to do their mission, "Ready?" he asked the four new Slytherins once their fathers had gone.

"Let's just get this over with." the one he remembered to be Damian grumbled making him frown slightly but he shrugged it off.

Quickly leading the four new students down to the Great Hall he led them up to the podium in front of the staff table and turned to face the students who were watching curiously, wondering why he was interrupting their lunch. "Students," he said happily as he looked over his domain "we have four new students that I would like to introduce.". At his words an outbreak of whispering spread throughout the hall "First we have Elizabeth and Markus Theseus," he gestured to the two blonde children while noticing the eyes of Potter narrow in suspicion "and then we have Maria and Damian Hercules." by now Harry Potter's eyes were in a full glare directed at him with an intensity that might have made him flinch were it not for his occlumency shields. "Our new students have been sorted into Slytherin house so please welcome them.".


-After breakfast-

Settling down in the Transfiguration classroom, with Otrera and Hestia on his sides and Darna hidden in the shadows, he waited for the class to begin. As the rest of the Slytherins and Gryffindors filled in, with the two girls Daphne and Tracey grinning at him, he noticed the eyes of the cat sitting on the teacher's desk flit to each student to enter before returning to glare at him. Finally every seat was filled bar two which he assumed were for Gryffindor students, three minutes after the bell had wrung the two tardy students rushed in out of breath, "We made it," the red haired boy he remembered to be Ron Weasley said to his panting friend "could you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late.".

"You are late." he said in a flat tone that still managed to convey a hint of amusement.

"Shut it you filthy Snake!" Weasley yelled angrily, "What would you know?!".

Before he could respond the cat on the desk jumped forward and shifted in midair until it, she, was Professor McGonagall, "Take your seat Mr. Weasley, Mr. Finnegan." the professor said with a stern look at the two Gryffindors.

After a moment he asked, "So there are not going to be punished for insulting me?" he asked unsure whether to be insulted at the bias or amused at how obvious it was.

The transfiguration professor looked as if she had been forced to swallow a lemon before grumbling "Five points from Gryffindor." and quickly walking back to the front of the room. "Transfiguration is one of the most difficult and dangerous practices of magic there is, if I find you misbehaving in my class you will be forced ti live without an invitation back. You have been warned.", after her little Speech, the duration of which she looked at him in a way that he knew meant she hoped she could kick him out, she took out her wand before quickly transfiguring her desk to a pig and back again.

They didn't immediately begin any practical work, instead she gave a lecture with several notes to take before finally allowing them to begin to attempt to transfigure a matchstick into a needle. The spell was relatively easy to accomplish, with Hestia offering bits of advice to correct him where needed. He was the first one to finish the spell followed five minutes later by an irate Hermione Granger who glared at him when he got the spell correct. "Five points to Gryffindor." Professor McGonagall said happily when she saw Granger get the spell correct.

"Again you favor your own house so blatantly," he said, shaking his head in exasperation "I finished that spell more than five minutes ago and all I got was a disdainful sniff.".

Caught red handed McGonagall grudgingly handed over five points to Slytherin before turning away from him quickly to focus on helping her Gryffindors. The rest of the period passed relatively quickly before he walked down to Lunch. Almost immediately after sitting down the two girls from breakfast, Daphne and Tracey, sat down near him. "Hello your majesty," the two said in unison once they sat down before Daphne continued "we sent out the letters to our grandfathers who are our heads of house and actually support our decision on this matter. We expect a response tomorrow morning with an official permission to begin.".

"Very good," he said with a nod to the two grinning girls "I look forward to their responses.".

Before he could do or say anything else Dumbledore walked in followed by two sets of twins who seemed strangely dejected in opposition to the Headmaster's highly cheery attitude. Students," Dumbledore said happily while looking over the hall "we have four new students that I would like to introduce.". At these words an outbreak of whispering spread throughout the hall "First we have Elizabeth and Markus Theseus," while Dumbledore gestured to the blonde set of twins next to the podium his eyes narrowed in suspicion, wondering what exactly Dumbledore was up to "and then we have Maria and Damian Hercules." At this his eyes were no longer narrowed but glaring at the Headmaster. "Our new students have been sorted into Slytherin house so please welcome them.".

"Do you want me to go and prepare the warriors and increase the training Harry?" Otrera asked icily as she glared at Dumbledore along with him while Hestia and the two first years looked curiously at them.

"Yes," he said firmly "and tell Commander Latara to send in for Shadow Tags.".

"Right away Harry." Otrera nodded before quickly walking out and likely activated her portkey once out of sight.

"What was that about?" Hestia asked confused.

Sighing he explained the history between the Amazons and the lines of Theseus and Hercules as well as how he believed Dumbledore knew about this. "Who was that person you mention, Commander Latara?" Tracey asked after he finished his explanation.

"Commander Latara is the commander of the Drow forces on my Island," he explained "she is their leader and battle commander. I ordered her to assign four 'shadow tags' to our new 'friends' to see if the four of them are actually members of those organizations or just unfortunate enough to have the same name.".

The rest of the day was spent going through his lessons while keeping a sharp eye on the four new Slytherins who seemed oddly depressed to him. Finally the day ended and he quickly rushed back to his family.

Harry Potter : King of the Amazons By TheSilverboarWhere stories live. Discover now