Chapter 17

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Turning to the Gringotts assistant that had remained behind, likely not wanting to get involved in what was going on, he struck up a conversation with the man about how things had been going at the bank, his guest eagerly taking the silence breaker. "I also heard a rumor that several young goblin girls are going to be accepted into your people's training," the assistant asked as their conversation wound down "is this true?".

"I actually hadn't spoken to Ragnok about that but it is an interesting idea," he mused as he saw a much happier Hylla and Charles walk back into camp with no sign of the red haired man they had chased away "it certainly has merit.".

After another few minutes the assistant left to go wander around, wanting to allow him and his family some time together, as he turned towards his sister and soon to be brother-in-law, "Did you two have fun?" he asked in amusement as Hylla giggled happily and Charles nodded somewhat sheepishly.

"Yeah," Charles admitted before giving an angry scowl "I always knew that Bill was a flirt but I never expected him to try a stunt like that on a woman who not only showed she wasn't interested but was already engaged.".

"He looked familiar for some reason," he said in confusion "but I know I've never seen him before.".

At his statement Charles gave a loud snort in amusement, "You probably just see the resemblance he has with his siblings, there were five of them at Hogwarts last year, the Weasleys.".

"That explains the stupidity," he deadpanned as Hylla snorted in amusement "either way, he's not my problem.".

"Where are Otrera and the kids?" Hylla asked as she looked around, just realizing that she hadn't seen his wife or children.

"She decided to take them around so they could take in the sights and maybe get some souvenirs," he explained with a small smile "I sent Darna to follow them as extra protection.".

"Harry…I heard about the great 'spider extermination' your wives did…" Charles said in a deadpan voice that still somehow conveyed amusement "Merlin himself couldn't hurt your children if even one of your wives was around.".

"I'd rather not take the risk," he said firmly, clenching the hilt of his sword till his knuckles were paler than the steel he clutched "I spent six years of my life without the love of a family, hell without any love at all. I finally have a family and I will do whatever it takes to protect them.".

Hylla placed a comforting hand on his shoulder at that statement while Charles looked him dead in the eye "You're a good man Harry," his brother-in-law said with a nod "and I know you'll do whatever you have to in order to keep your family safe.".

"When will Bellona and the others be arriving Harry?" Hylla asked after a moment of silence, "They are coming, aren't they?".

"They'll be here shortly," he assured "I just wanted to bring the children here early so they could get the full experience…and maybe burn off some of their energy." Which caused Hylla and Charles to laugh in amusement, the duo having babysat for him in the past and knowing how much energy his children seemed to have.

"Looks like they're here now," Charles said, pointing towards the excited group of women that were running over, Otrera and a group of confused children with them "and they look really excited for some reason.".

Before he could call out to them, curious as to what had them so excited, Bellona leapt forward into his arms, kissing him enthusiastically as the other girls surrounded him, all of them practically shaking in happiness. After Bellona had pulled back for air he gasped and stared at his first wife and asked "Not that I'm complaining but what brought this on?".

Harry Potter : King of the Amazons By TheSilverboarWhere stories live. Discover now