Chapter 1

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"Keep you out of trouble?" She repeated me. I nodded my head, a hopeful yet fearful look in my eyes as I clung onto her for dear life. Inside I was shaking, hard. Despite how much pain I was in, both emotionally and physically, adrenaline was pumping through my veins, making my head throb. "What did you do?"

I glanced over her shoulder at the man standing behind her. He had his arms crossed over his chest and an eyebrow raised. I swallowed hard and returned my attention to Jane, "C-Can I tell you later? I really need to know if you're going to help me or not."

"Of course I'll help you. That's what friends are for, but...but I need to know what you did, Patrick," She made clear, looking directly into my eyes.

"I'll tell you later, I promise, Jane." I pushed past her into her house, and closed the door behind me. "Where's your bathroom?"

"Upstairs and to the left," She answered me.

"Jane!" The man snapped at her.

I could only assume that the man was Christian, her husband she told me all about when I was in jail. Whenever the inmates and I were let out for "free time" as they liked to call it, she and I would always meet up and just talk. I'd tell her all about Elisa and me and she would tell me all about Christian and her. My stories were always happier than hers, though if we met up and just talked like we used to now, my stories would be more like hers - sad, depressing, causing the other person to pity the storyteller.

"He's my friend, Christian..."

Yup, that was him. He didn't exactly look like I had pictured him, though.

"...and if he wants to take a shower, he's more than welcome to take a shower."

"How the hell is he your friend? I've never seen him before in my life!"

"Not all my friends are your friends, Chris," She snapped back at him, crossing her arms. Before the two of them could engage in a full-blown argument that I would more than likely get dragged into just by being there, I dashed up the stairs and followed Jane's instructions, finding the bathroom with ease.

I entered the dark room and turned the light on, illuminating the small bathroom, with a porcelain clawfoot bathtub across from a pedestal sink, and next to the clawfoot tub, a toilet. I closed the door behind me and locked it for privacy. In prison, there was no privacy, no locked doors except the iron bar doors that kept us in those small, used-to-be white brick-walled rooms that held two to three men at a time.

I took a few steps before catching my reflection in the mirror above the sink. I looked absolutely awful. My hair was a sweaty mess, sticking to my blood-spattered face. My eyes were bloodshot and red from crying. I shuddered at my appearance and turned around.

I stared at the tub for a little trying to determine how the hell to even turn it on. I grabbed one of the knobs labeled "H" to the left and water began spewing from the faucet. I sighed in relief, having solved one problem. The next? How to make the water come from the shower head above.


I stood in the bathroom, steam lolling in the air and fogging up the mirror and small window that was directly across from the still-locked door. A towel was wrapped around my waist as I dried my hair off. My clothes were in a pile on the tiled floor, the bloody knife having fallen out from my pocket. I bent down and picked it up, examining it as the scene flashed before my eyes.

I drove the knife straight down into Brendon's chest. His jaw dropped in astonishment as blood began to pour from the fresh wound. I pulled the knife out and stabbed him again, and again, anger fueling me to keep going. It was like the Youngblood Chronicles almost, with Pete's and my fight scene in "Miss Missing You". But Pete was replaced by Brendon, my hook was replaced with a pocket knife, and there wasn't some dark entity possessing me. And most importantly, it wasn't a music video. It wasn't staged. It was real.

I dropped the knife due to the shakiness of my hand and stood back up, swallowing hard and running a hand through my damp hair. I looked around the small room, determining what the best place to hide the knife would be.

One option was to put it the medicine cabinet behind the mirror. But that wouldn't work. Because either Jane or Christian was bound to go into the medicine cabinet either tonight or tomorrow morning and if they found the knife...

Another option was to drop it behind the tub, in the crack between the tub and the wall. But what if Jane or Christian dropped something in the crack and when they went to go retrieve whatever they dropped, they find the knife? They're going to know who it's from...because it's not from either of them...

I spun around and my eyes locked on the toilet. The toilet...of course!

I grabbed the knife once again, my grip around the handle tight so I wouldn't drop it, and approached the toilet. With my other hand, I lifted up the lid of the tank. I glanced down in the hallow tank before dropping the bloody knife into it and replacing the lid to its original position. I heaved a sigh of relief and hoped that Jane and Christian wouldn't need a toilet repair anytime soon.

I turned back around and walked up to the sink, using the side of my hand to wipe away some of the fog. I looked much better than I had when I first walked into the bathroom. Just as I opened the medicine cabinet to find a brush or comb for my hair, there was a knock on the door. I panicked.

"Patrick?" Jane's voice sounded on the opposite side of the door.

A wave of relief washed over me before I walked over and unlocked the door, peeping my head out. "Yeah?" Steam flooded into the hallway and Jane coughed, fanning the steam out of her face.

"I, uh, I just brought you some of Christian's pajamas for you to change in to." She held up a pile of pajama pants and a t-shirt. I looked up at her and that's when I noticed the new bluish-purple blotch near her eye. "I'm not sure if they'll fit you, but they should do you the night."

"Thanks," I muttered, taking the clothes out of her possession. A meek smile stretched across her face. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine," She told me, nodding her head.

"You sure?"

"Mhmm." She rubbed behind her neck before saying, "I'll set up the couch for you. I hope you don't mind sleeping there. We don't have any extra beds."

"Oh yeah, it's fine!"

She smirked before turning and walking down the hallway. I leaned out into the hallway and watched as she disappeared down the staircase. I swallowed hard. This was going to be interesting...

Keep Me Out Of Trouble (FOB FanFic ft. Brendon Urie)Where stories live. Discover now