Chapter 14

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While Patrick spent these past few months starting his life over in New York as a new man, Brendon spent these past few months starting his life over in Los Angeles as a new dad.

It truly had been a whirlwind for the singer.

First he had been on tour and was stabbed countless times in his dressing room, being sent to the closest hospital where he spent days coming dangerously close to that white light. Then, after being released from the hospital - told to take it easy for a while - his wife was admitted, having gone into labor. Hours later, the two of them welcomed their newborn son, Ryan, into this world. If it wasn't for the attack, he wouldn't have been there to see it.

Nothing could compare to the feeling Brendon had that day, holding his son in his arms, his son that resembled him in more than one way. He never knew how much joy a child brought to one's life until he had one of his own.

Now Brendon was standing in the nursery in his and Elisa's home, pacing around the room and rocking the baby boy to sleep, singing softly to him.

Elisa appeared in the doorway and leaned against the threshold, crossing her arms over her chest and smiling at the two of them. Her smile quickly faded though, remembering when Declan was first brought home, and how Patrick was almost the exact same way.

Turning slowly on his heel, Brendon noticed his wife. "Hey," He whispered, setting the infant gently down in his crib and walking over to her, "What's with the long face?"

Patrick's ex-wife shook her head, snapping out of the daze she had fallen into, and gazed up into Brendon's dark brown eyes, "N-Nothing. I was just..." She rubbed his upper arm as a distraction, never finishing her sentence, "...Hey, have you decided what you're going to do?"

"What I'm going to do?" The former Panic! At The Disco member repeated, raising his eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know, about Patrick and the attack," She elucidated, her voice barely above a whisper.

Brendon stepped away from her, "You're still hung up on him? God, Elisa, I thought you-"

"No, Brendon, I'm not still hung up on him," She told him, though her credibility was questionable. She told herself that she loved Brendon every day, but it didn't cover the fact that what she had told Patrick that one day was true. That sometimes she pretended Brendon was Patrick, that she wasn't happy with Brendon...honestly at least, and most importantly that she didn't love Brendon. Her heart lied with Patrick.

He was constantly on her mind, every single day. At one point she asked the guys if they'd seen him around, but she had no success. Pete was ignoring her and Andy and Joe hadn't the slightest where he was, for the band members hadn't spoken to him in months, years even. She claimed it was because she wanted him to pay for what he had done to Brendon, but in all honesty, it was because she yearned to know whether or not he was still alive. Because deep down, whether she wanted to admit or not, she longed to see him again, to kiss him again, to tell him how she really feels again.

"I just wanted to know if you were going to come out to the press," She murmured, slipping her hands into the pockets of her jeans she just recently was able to fit into again, "They've been blowing up our phones for weeks, waiting for you to say something. Anything."

Brendon ran a hand through his hair and averted his gaze over to the crib, "I'm not sure yet."

"Hon, you can't keep saying you're not sure yet. Because the longer you wait, the less relevant this is all going to become. Patrick's missing and if you don't say something know, he and his crimes are just going to fade into the shadows. And all you'll be left with is this constant reminder," She stepped forward and lifted his shirt, revealing the many scars remaining on his torso.

He quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled it back down, covering himself back up, "Look, I've just got better things to worry about right now. Okay?"

"Like what?"

"Like our son," He didn't hesitate to answer. Elisa's face went pale. "Have you ever thought about if this all backfires? What if...What if I come out, say it's him, and we find him, but when we take him to court, he comes forth with proof that I killed Sarah?" He took a quick, dramatic pause before going on to say, "I don't want to go to jail, Elisa, I've got him to take care of now," He pointed to Ryan, "And I can't take care of him if I'm locked away in a prison cell, now, can I?"

"Hmm, now you must know how Patrick felt," She retorted presumptuously. Brendon's eyes grew wide. "Yeah, you heard me. The world's a small place, Brendon. What goes around, comes around."

He scoffed, "Who's side are you even on?"

"Whatever side's going to get me out of this."

She went to leave, but he wasn't done with. He grabbed her by the arm and spun her back around. "Whatever side's going to get you out of this? Elisa, you can't just choose the side that'll save you. Because I couldn't have done this alone. Your part is just as big as mine is. So I won't be the only one going down in infamy for this, you'll be going down too." And with that, he released her arm, glaring at her. "Now get out of here. Before you wake Ryan up."

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