Chapter 2

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Brendon lied in the hospital bed, his eyes closed and his skin a faint gray color. Tubes were attached all over his body, monitoring his vitals and keeping him alive. The heart monitor beside the bed beeped at a constant, slow rate, but any rate was better than no rate at all. The singer was in horrible shape, with twelve stitched up stab wounds on his chest that were slowly, but surely, healing. At the moment, he was resting peacefully.

His wife, Elisa, stood in the corner of the room, staring at her almost comatose husband with her arms crossed over her chest, resting above her baby bump, and tears staining her cheeks. She was due in about a month.

"Do they know who did it?" She asked Brendon's band mate, Pete, who was standing beside her. His two boys were also there, at the hospital, but they were sitting in the waiting room with Joe, along with Declan. Andy had gone home because his wife was sick and he wanted to go see how she was doing while they were in town. Everybody understood.

"No," He answered her curtly.

"Do you know who did it?"

Pete hesitated to respond.

He didn't know for a fact who had done it, but he had a pretty good guess as to who it might have been. There were only so many people backstage from the last time Pete saw Brendon at sound check to when he found him after the attack. And he knew that neither Andy or Joe were capable of doing something so heinous. The security guards were also out of the question. They were there to protect them, not hurt them. So, by process of elimination, the only probable attacker was Patrick.

And as much as Pete didn't want to think that his friend - his best friend - did it, he couldn't help but be a little suspicious. Patrick had intentions to get back at Brendon for taking everything that meant something to him, he despised him with every bone in his body. In addition to that, Patrick never returned from retrieving whatever it was from the car. He was nowhere in the venue, he was nowhere outside the venue, he just disappeared.

To say the least, it was very difficult for Pete not to believe Patrick did it. But nonetheless, he answered Elisa's second question the same way he answered her first one, "No."

She shook her head, tears forming in her eyes, "I just can't believe someone would do something like this to him. I don't understand what he did to deserve this."

"Oh, I don't know," Pete responded, failing to hide the sarcasm in his voice. You know, except for taking his wife, son, and band away from him while he was imprisoned for four years...

Elisa glanced over at him.

He scratched behind his neck and said, without the sarcasm this time, "Really. I don't know what he did to deserve something like this."

She heaved a sigh, "I just hope he makes it out of this alive."

"Who? Him or Patrick?" Pete remarked without thinking.

"Patrick?" She repeated. Pete's eyes widened, realizing what he had just said. "What does Patrick have to do with this?"

Everything, Elisa, don't be stupid, Pete thought to himself, not saying it aloud.

But it was as if she read his mind, though, and nothing needed to be said for Elisa to know realize what Patrick's role in all of this was. She gasped and clasped her hands over her mouth, "Oh my god, Pete. No. He wouldn't!" Her words came out in choppy phrases as her heart rate picked up.

"I agree," Pete muttered, his cheeks growing red, "He wouldn't. And he didn't. End of discussion."

"Pete, don't lie to me. Are you saying what I think you're saying?" She put her hands on her hips.

"I didn't say anything!"


"Elisa, he didn't do it!"

"But he did! Patrick-"

Before she could finish her statement, Pete clamped his hand over Elisa's mouth and looked directly into her eyes.

"Look, Patrick's already gone to prison once," He told her angrily, his voice hushed so that none of the nurses, doctors, or visitors outside of the room would hear him, "He doesn't need to go there again. I don't care whether or not you care about Patrick anymore - I mean, it's pretty obvious you don't - but I do. And I do not want to see him go to prison again, you hear me? He did this - if he did - because of you. Because you couldn't wait for him to get out of jail for a crime he didn't even commit. Because you went and married the guy who invited himself to his place in our band. It's all because of you, don't you realize that?"

She was struck speechless.

Pete retracted his hand to his side and sighed, "Patrick's a good guy, Elisa, you and I both know that. He doesn't deserve to go back to jail, whether he..." He leaned in and continued in a whisper, "...whether he stabbed Brendon or not. Okay?"

"O-Okay," She stammered, the tears that were forming in her eyes now streaming down her cheeks. But these tears were for a different reason.

"Good. Now...I'm going to take my boys home to put them to bed. I'll have Joe come in and keep you company, alright?"

She nodded her head in understanding as Pete left the room. She looked over at her husband who was still sound asleep and walked up beside him, sitting down in the chair and wrapping her warm hand around his cold one. "Please get better, Brendon. I need you. We need you." She whispered as she rubbed her rounded stomach.

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