3rd person POV :
The week went by in a blur for both girls , although Friday didin't seem to come to an end . First of all , they had English in the morning for 2 hours straight . It was hard functioning on 4 hours of sleep for Estella but she didin't complain .
And to top that off , they had two hours of Maths , Biology and History - Friday has got to be the worst day of the week because even after the shitty schedule , the girls had to meet in the gymnasium due to their extra-curriculars . Lynn with soccer and Estella with cheerleading .
Lynn , on the other hand , had gotten her full 8 hours of sleep but didin't seem to shut her mouth . Everytime the teacher wrote something down on the board , she would earn a quiet groan from the Athlete .
No one heard her tho . No one but the unfortunate girl currently sitting next to her . After what seemed to be Lynn's 100th groan of the class , Estella had enough .
"Lynn , why are you so pissed today ? Can you just stop groaning ? The teacher's gonna yell at you and you'll get in trouble ."
Lynn clenched her jaw and turned to look at the girl with an "are you fucking serious ?" look before saying :
"Oh will you shut up little miss perfect . I know you're annoyed at the teacher too besides no one's gonna give me shit for the sin or groaning in history class , litteraly no one but you so mind your buisness ."
Before Estella had the chance to make another snarky remark , the teacher interrupted them . "Ladies , since you seem really exited for this project , I'll pair you up together ."
"Fuck my life ." "You've gotta be kidding me." Both girls internally screamed but knew they weren't gonna change their history teacher's mind - she was the fucking pettiest person they had ever met .
When their last class of the day came to an end , Estella approached Lynn and said "Look , Loud , I know you're just as pissed as I am so let's just get this over with . I'll tell Maddie to give me your number ."
Lynn groaned before replying "Fine , whatever , Aussie ." The girl raised an eyebrow at the nickname but shrugged it off and went to change for cheerleading practice . The athlete did the same , but for soccer .
Practice went well for the most part . They ignored eachother but Maddie kept teasing Estella and Lynn for the number thing .
When she got back home , the cheerleader texted her so-called enemy
+xx xxx xxx
Hey , Loud .
It's Estella
Where do u wanna meet ?+xx xxx xxx
Sup woodsen
Let's do my place
Ion wanna come over+xx xxx xxx
Grow up
But text me the adress
Sarurday ok ?+xx xxx xxx
Sure ig
___________________________________________________On Saturay , as promised , Estella made her way to the loud house . When she knocked on the door , she was met with Lana , who screamed her name and jumped up to hug her .
"Hey Lana , I missed you !" "I missed you too but what are you doing here on chore day ?" "Huh?" Before the girl had time to process , Lynn Sr made his way to Estella before saying "Estella ! Pleasure seeing you here . The more the merrier . Come on and help us !"
What the fuck had she gotten herself into ?
Just before she could ask where Lynn was , the athlete in question came down the stairs wearing a navy blue blazer , old duster in hand . "Estella , what a shame , you just got yourself dragged into chore day , Oops ." She said , a shit-eatint grin plastered on her face .

Opposite Attracts - Lynn Loud Jr
RomanceLynn Loud Jr was always the best at everything and hated having someone better than her , but what if that someone was good at everything she'd never cared about ? Maybe Opposite Attracts could work out Started : July 11 2024 Finished : ALL RIGHTS...