Chapter 12 - Einstein will be the death of me

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Estella's POV :

It was now the end of the school day , which meant I had to rush home in order to hopefully finish all of my homework before having to get ready for figure skating practice and make my way back to that hellhole of a place , but without all the annoying parts .

I would really really really hate having to come back home with a certain someone to write about fucking Albert Einstein AND have to finish more godforsaken homework  afterwards .

I was actually kinda excited to attend the figure skating class . I had missed the familiar feeling of gliding on the ice and spinning till I felt like collapsing on the floor , well , on the ice .

After 2 and a half miserable hours of writing and thinking and brainstorming school stuff , I was glad to be able to finally say I'm done with my homework - It was around 6 PM because , although my school shenanigans only took 90 minutes in total , I had walked back to school and eaten lunch beforehand .

Which left me with an hour to get ready for practice , minus about 20 minutes dedicated to the walk there .

I packed my school bag for the next day , tidied up my desk and picked out my clothes for figure skating . I needed to be comfortable , able to move around with ease and stay warm but not too warm .

After about 10 minutes of tearing apart my closet , I found the perfect sports attire and got dressed , before making my way to the bathroom and putting my hair up , making sure it would be out of my face but not pulled back too tight .

I packed a small bag with my water bottle , my keys , my wallet just incase , some chapstick , deodorant , perfume , an extra hairtie and my phone of course .

When I was finished and ready to go , I made my way to the living room and sat on the couch , scrolling mindlessly on my phone , till it was time to leave .

The walk to school wasn't as as bad as it usually was in the morning since I didin't feel like dying due to the lack of sleep anymore . My sleep schedule was improving by the day although we weren't making much progress in the long run but whatever . Baby steps they say , don't they ?

As I arrived to the ice rink's changing room , my eyes wandered to a certain athlete I was gonna meet up with soon .

"Hey , Loud . How was practice ? I hope you're ready to fry your brain off thinking about that old scientist ." I said , reminding her that we had to meet up soon .

"Sup Woodsen and yeah I've been mentally preparing for that ever since our little interaction earlier today ." She said , a grin which I couldn't read through plastered on her face .

"Well , I gotta go practice , see you soon or whenever we meet up." I said goodbye and started walking out of the room .

Before I left the changing rooms , Lynn came up to me and grabbed me by the arm , stopping me from walking any further then said :

"Wait up ! I was kinda hoping I could stay here and wait for you so that we could walk together to your place ? My parents are busy and I wouldn't mind some company during the walk home ."

What the actual fuck ?

"Sure , Loud . You do you . I really gotta get going now so see you in about an hour ." I said goodbye and made my way to my teammates , not bothering to turn around when I heard Lynn mutter something I couldn't make out . There was no way I was gonna be late to the first practice of the year .

During the following hour , my mind couldn't help but wander back to the teeny tiny barely even a few seconds long interaction I had with Lynn .

I tensed up at the thought and got a funny feeling in my stomach but I brushed it off thinking it was due to the fact I was spinning like a maniac .

Opposite Attracts - Lynn Loud JrWhere stories live. Discover now