Chapter 17 - Actions over words

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3rd person POV :

One night . That was all Lynn and Estella had spent together, but that one night was enough to get them feeling all flustered .

Well , that was on Lynn's part , Estella was too shaken and tired due to last night's events and was distracted by all her injuries to even try and remotely care .

Once she was fully healed , she was definitely gonna freak out over their little not-so-convenient interraction, but right now , she needed pain killers .

The girl was at the verge of tears during the night . Her head was throbbing and the pain was unbearable , she didin't know if Lynn had done the best job at dealing with her wounds , after all , she was an untrained 15 year old , you couldn't blame her .

When she woke up in the middle of the night , she let out a gasp at the sight of an athlete she hypothetically could potentionally , maybe just maybe have the teeniest tiniest meaningless smallest crush on .

She cursed under her breath , making sure not to wake up her "friend" currently laying face down on the bed with her arm unconsciously around her waist , she would've enjoyed the moment , hadn't it been for her physical state .

If Estella was in her own home , she would've rolled out of bed into the kitchen and grabbed some painkillers, then slept again without another thought .

But she wasn't .

Thankfully and fortunately , God knows what would've happened then .

So , unfortunately , she had no choice but to lie miserably and motionlessly in order not to wake up the athlete and wait for the sun to rise so her wandering around the house would be explainable .

Remember how she said she didin't want to wake up Lynn ? Well , she couldn't . The girl had woken up about two hours ago but was too scared to make a move just incase her new friend woke up .

There they were , both inanimately staring at the ceiling - Lynn had managed to free herself out of that suffocating position and brushed it off as stirring in her sleep .

Finally having enough , Estella managed to slip out of the very not-friendly position she was in and walked to the kitchen .

Now , she wasn't comfortable enough to just rumage through the cabinets with no particular reason yet , not without asking anyone and the very low but still there chance of getting caught .

She obviously knew that if anyone was up at this hour , they'd understand why she was looking through their kitchen but still , the girl didin't have the balls to do that so she settled on drinking some water and getting some fresh air from a forgotten open window .

She zoned out while looking across the street , directly at her house , where the 'thing' happened . Even tho it was over , she still felt fear shoot through her body when flashbacks of the night overtook her mind .

What the fuck ? She probably looked silly like this , standing and staring at her house , God she had to get her shit together and think of an  excuse because there was no way the truth was leaving her mouth if anybody asked .

Finally shaking off the disturbing memories , Estella let her mind wander elsewhere , dance , figure skating , gymnastics , competitions , solos , duets ... etcetera etcetera

She started rehearsing her choreography in her mind , something the girl always used to do when she was nervous or stressed to ground herself back to reality .

There was something about nighttime that Estella loved so much . It was just so peaceful and quiet , nobody to interrupt her thinking and daydreaming .

She could put on her headphones and twirl around her room , practice her numbers , journal , read , anything she wanted without the fear of being walked in on or interrupted .

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