chapter twelve

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I have been crying nonstop since I found out that violet was dead. All I have been doing it eating food and going through old pictures of us. Jack has been there for me by my side all the time trying to cheer me up and make me feel better. Nothing helps thought I give Jack a fake smile and act like I'm fine but really I'm hurt inside and devastated that she is gone forever.

Jack went to the store to get some more tissues and food for the house and I was all alone. I went to the bathroom and grabbed one of my razors and broke it tho get a blade. My hands were shaking like crazy as I put it on my skin and made the first cut. I cried and the blood flowed out into the sink. I felt relief and did it 3 more times. I herd the front door open. "Shit" I said to myself. "Emma where are u" "in the bathroom I'll be out in a min" "are u ok" Jack asked worried." Just fine."

I grabbed some bandages and put it on my cuts. I ran to my closet and grabbed a hoodie to put on. I walked to Jack and acted like nothing happened.

LOVE AT FIRST TOUCH - JACKGILINSKY Where stories live. Discover now