Step One

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The very first step is to calm your mind. I know it sounds difficult but meditation is the only way. Now most of us try to be constant and numb of all the thoughts in our very first attempt and that doesn't work and we think this cannot be done, and my friend that's exactly where we are mistaken. To start meditation, put a nice piece of music (choose wisely because you'll have to play the same one every time) now just sit back..close your eyes and pay attention to every single thought that comes into your mind as if you're watching a movie. Sit back and enjoy the view for a while. Do this for few days and then try to concentrate on q single thought. Always remember..we have to take one step at a time and it will work. Do this exercise any time you want. You do not need to have a fixed time..just the same music everytime you meditate ,will do.
Happy meditation ppl ;)

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