another step forward

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I hope your meditation is going fine. Did you guys see any difference ?? Like I have been meditating for 2 months now and sometimes I menifest things instantly. Well, mostly they are little things like a cup of coffee or a drive home or a message from some friend and mostly parking space. Presently I am taking coaching for my post graduation and there has never been a single day in last 3 months that I haven't found a place to park, no matter how much rush is there on that day.

So I was just thinking, what is this issue with menifesting small things easily and not able to menifest what is really important. I mean surely we can live without that cup of coffee but without that girl or guy or without next paycheck or without that trip...nahh..!!

So lets think about taking one more step towards it.
Today we'll talk about affirmations. So what is affirmation ??
Affirmation means positive one liners( here I am not talking about Oxford's definition..!!)
How does it work ??
If you keep telling something to your mind repetitively, your mind starts believing it. No matter whatever you are saying. You can also say that you are the president of united nations and your mind will believe it and to prove that it's right, you mind will make it your reality.
You can think of mind like an obnoxious, arrogant, powerful, good looking and sexy (what's the harm..!! :P) guy who needs to have whatever he thinks is rightfully his.

Few things about making a good affirmation.
1) should be in present tense.
2)should not be negative.(like "I don't wanna get robbed." it's same as screaming that you wanna be robbed.)
3) make 1 or 2 affirmation at a time. Too many just distract your mind.

My current affirmation is:
1) I am pursuing MBA from my dream university, have lots of friends and making the best of my life.

How long should I do it ?
As per research, you should continue with the same affirmation for atleast 2 month, saying them for atleast 50 times a day.
I have been doing mine for last 6 days. I usually do it while my daily chores or while driving or before getting out of bed or before sleeping. You can say it aloud or mentally, whatever you prefer. Since I too have started it just 6 days back, I can't tell you which works better. I am also in the process.

There is another thing which I have read about and the writer claimed that it gives better results.

Mirror technique-
It's simple, say or affirmations in front of the mirror for 5 minutes. Now lets thing why this could work, what could be the reason ?
I think your mind gets a picture to make it look more realistic. It can see you saying those things and saves that picture in its database, and pictures makes things more believable.

Try it people. Start your journey. Better today then tomorrow.

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