Birthday done right or wrong ??

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Heyy Senoritas,

it's my birthday today and i am writing a blog post, so you must have guessed that something must have happened :P
Do you know anyone who doesn't give a single shit about their birthday ever ?? well, i am that kind of person. it has always been just another day for me but this time it was different. For the first time in years, i was super excited for my birthday. I wasn't excited because it's my birthday but i was excited because for first time people around me were so looking forward for my birthday. I don't say that i have been tortured all my life or something like, it's just that it has always been just another day, i never felt like "Birthday" was a big deal. But for the first time in years, i found my reasons- i felt exactly what all the  girls in movies do, i realized why birthdays are so important and why everybody deserves to feel so special on this particular day.
You ask for the reason ? well, it's three of my best friends.
God, i don't know what i did to deserve them!!!!
They love me so much without asking for anything in return and i irritate the hell out of them but they still humor me... they let me do all the stupid things and still choose to stick by me. They have been looking forward to my birthday for like a month and as far as i remember, last year my bff reminded me that it was my birthday that day, so you can guess how i treat my birthdays..!!:P
 But this time it was all different, i even made stupid rules in my birthday week that everybody had to follow and they actually religiously followed them..!!!

So yesterday, i was super excited for my birthday and i went out with other friends of mine(let's call them my "Party gang")for pre-birthday celebration. I made them promise that they'll get me back by midnight for i knew my boys will be waiting for me. I went to a very pretty rooftop disc, ate awesome food, got super drunk, danced and was out by 11:20 for it takes atleast half an hour to reach back to campus.
But as luck would have it, it was a cab-strike day. We couldn't find a ride back home and by the time i reached back home it was 12:25. 
Things that went wrong here were:
1) My bffs had plans for 12o'clock that i messed up.
2) I was super drunk and stupid. and you know the worst part of it ? I disappointed them and i really mean like i could see disappointment in their eyes, i can never forget that look on their faces even though i was super drunk. Just few hours back they were excited and now when it was actually my birthday, they were just standing at the back and all i could think while cutting cake in my drunk state is what happened? i panicked. I couldn't exactly figure out what was wrong but i felt their energy and all i could think was i need to make t right and i was not able to.

I got angry, couldn't figure out how to react and i sent them some stupid texts saying that i know they hate me and being angry at them for not calling me at 12. i failed to see their perspective in this and thought only about myself, about what i wanted them to treat me and that this was all about me but in all this i forget one important thing that THEY were the reason i even thought about this day as MINE. it was them who made me feel important and pampered enough to look forward to this day and i messed it up for them as well. I know they didn't deserve that, nobody does but it happened.
For past one week, i have been surprised at my own excitement and kept comparing it with all those years that is spent not knowing how it feels to have a special day, of being sad because of waiting for that one text and one call whole day. This was the first time i had everything and everyone i needed to have that one special birthday, an opportunity to have one perfect day but all i kept thinking was that something will destroy it and guess what, the universe responded with "Your wish is my command".

Many a times in our lives, we fail to see the importance of these moments, the importance of these few gems who make things worth it. Do i want to take it all back ? Well, God knows if only i can do it all over again, i would spend every moment trying to make my day special for them but can i ? No.
will things be alright between us ? Yes, They love me way more than i deserve but there will always be this knot. They will always remember this birthday of mine like a failure of their efforts. I will hopefully see many birthdays ahead but i had only two of it with them and i managed to screw one. I made them feel like they don't matter enough for me even though they are the only ones here who truly matter. They are the only ones i can always cry with for stuff like not having enough sugar in my coffee and i know they'l humor my problem like it will be the reason of third world war. 

No matter what happened throughout the day but in my memories i will always remember this one as the best stanza of my favorite chapter because with friends like these, it's never just a birthday, it's a birth year. People like these make this world a better place to live in and guys like them are what every woman deserves for they will actually keep you like a little princess. I learn so much from them everyday and i hope i always do. In such a small time period they have become such a huge part of my lives that i just don't want these 2 years to end ever.

Let's try to do our part of the role and make sure that such people in our lives know how important they are and feel loved as long as we are around. Because On the road of life, you never know which turn you might end up taking and when, so let's enjoy each other's company till we have the luxury of time on our hands, Let's play our favorite song and dance on the tunes with the people who make this trip worth taking.

Cheers to all you people out there and a very happy birthday to the ones who share this day with me, I hope you had a good one and didn't end up messing it up.

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