New Beginning

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Heyy senoritas,
I hope you guys missed me,  it's been a long time anddddd i have a good news.  I got into India's number one MBA institute. I start tomorrow.
I am writing this chapter in the airplane and i am halfway there. I still have almost an hour before i have to get down so for now, i am just sitting here and thinking about all the things i had gone through in the past one year.
First i didn't take the job i was offered right after college because i wasn't satisfied with the package they were offering. It was a big decision and no one in my family supported me, they all were strictly against my decision to take a year off. I was so confused, scared and worried. Back then, i had no idea what am gonna do and how am gonna do.
Second, My long term boyfriend broke up with me because he had to focus on his studies. I was sad to say the least about everything that was going on in my life. I remember crying myself to sleep sometimes because it was all too much to deal with but i always had hope. I knew that i am meant to do something,  be something and not just for me but for other people as well. I need to make myself capable in order to help others so i worked hard. In the beginning, i was studying to distract myself and later it was to prove myself.
In the past one year, i have seen my not so good friends excelling in academics, i have seen my shy friends turn into extroverts, i have seen lathargic people working their asses off and exploring places. It is all so inspiring. Just pause your lives for a second and look at the people around you and you'll find inspiration right in front of you. See the older people and be glad that you still have time, energy and resources in your hand to be something,  to make the change. You are capable of doing magic. Just look at the resources you have and figure out a way to maximize their usage. Make the best of every opportunity, every situation and every moment.
Stop looking for that moment of utter bliss when you'll be as happy as the dog in a field on a sunny day because that's never gonna happen. From What i have learnt in the past one year, i can guarantee you that no one is happy.
You see The one with the most expensive car - nope, not happy. His wife just cheated on him.
You see that movie star- nope, not happy. He is struggling to maintain his lifestyle.
You see that good looking young woman- nope, not happy. Single mom, Can't find a job, struggling to make ends meet.
You see that kid in the line- nope, not happy. Have a growing tumour.
You see that rich old guy with all kind of luxuries and fame- nope, not happy. His kids don't care about him. Loner.

No one is really happy because everyone is looking for a reason to be happy. Be happy without a reason. Be kind to everyone because you don't know their struggle.
Let's take a moment to just appreciate what we have because half of the people don't even have that.

You are lucky. You are appreciated. You'll find a way out. Whatever mess you're in,  it's TEMPORARY.  You can change it. You will win this. I know you will.

Love you guys,
Gotta go.
Another start, Another college. New people, New place. I am scared and excited. I will keep you guys updated.
Please send me love.
Take care.

 Law Of Attraction - Story Of My Life!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora