Chapter 2: the fight and the plan

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Alyssa in the photo
****Drew's point of view****

When I left the redhead girl this morning, I couldn't stop thinking about her, I don't know why I have never thought about a girl before, well not when they clothes on. But something about her is wrong and I don't know why want to fix it, so that's my mission to find the red head girl and get her story.

After a whole day of boringness, well not the part where Britney and I got alone time, she is a bitch but great for a little fun. I was going to the gym for a workout with my best friend Joe because come on I need to stay fit for the ladies, but when I got there Joe found a bag,
"Bro look someone forgot their bag" Joe yelled to me
"Look inside there could be some goodies in there" I said back, but not in the rude way like this can be someone's private stuff
" it's a girls bag, but doesn't say who it belongs to" he replies back, hw ho would just leave their bag like come on
"look a necklace" he added on, I took the necklace out of his hands and looked at it
"It has a boxing glove on it, show it here" I said back showing him "it's cool and I want it, I'm wearing it now until the person asks for it back" I added on, it's a cool necklace and if someone leaves there stuff I'm taking it.

After putting the girls stuff back, we didn't want to workout no more so we left, but when we got out of the gym I heard a door and I froze.
"Hey Joe, you go I'll meet up later, got some stuff to do" I said to him
" ok see ya there" he replied and left.
I went back to the gym but didn't go in, I looked through the window in the door and I froze again, the girl the redhead girl that I met this morning
"FUCK" she screamed when she looked in her bag i don't know why but wait the necklace that's why it must be important to her, well she can come get it I'm not giving it back yet, I kept watching her, you could see the anger in her eyes when she walked to the pushing bag, she was hitting and kicking hard like no girl I have seen has. I watched her but I left because I was creeping myself out watching her like I was a creep, so I ran out.

I went to my bike hopped on, when I was about to go, I pulled the necklace out of my pocket and put it on, I'm going to wear it tomorrow to see what happens.

****Alyssa's point of view****
After waking up from a long day yesterday was a good thing but when the alarm goes off as well you want to kill someone, my fight is on tonight and I have to prepare myself for it, so I got up earlier than before went and had a shower brushed my teeth and hair got dressed into some, black skinny jeans and a white at sunset top with my black hightops, got to love my fashion today.
I went down stairs grabs a apple and some money and left before my sister and brother get up, so I don't have to make breakfast for them.

It was a 15 minute walk to school but I didn't mind , it was my thinking time before school and to think about my fight. It is at 7:30 my fight so I will of to the gym now at lunch and after school but if people are there I will go to the public gym, I don't want to but if I have to then I have to. When I arrived at school the teachers were arriving aswell, so that means the gym is open. I went to my locker put everything in it but my boxing bag and went to the the gym, when I arrived I got changed and got ready but something felt weird of yer that bastard of that guy took my fathers necklace, my father was a boxer and he was in a car crash, so I wanted to finish his work but without the necklace it's nothing I have to get it back no matter what I have to do.

I was at the gym for around 30-45 minutes when I heard people arriving so I quickly got dressed and walked out without anyone seeing. I was walking to my locker when the bad boy him self drew and his crew walked through the doors, like come on don't know how many girls turned around and looked at him, like gross. But when I saw what was around his neck I froze, no he can't, he can't have my necklace, my fathers necklace around his neck. But it was, I have to get it back, so I did the thing I didn't want to do.

I ran up to him threw my arms around his neck, like I was giving his a hug.
" what the fuck" he froze and pushed me off
I smiled and ran, I was smiling the whole way because I got it back, but the worst thing is I hugged the bad boy in front of everyone. When I was running I could hear him scream
"Where the fuck is it"
"Where's what" his friend I think Joe
"The necklace, with the glove" drew yelled like he was going to kill, so I ran around the corner and stopped to breathe until he screamed
" I don't know man, I thought you were wearing it, you just had it on until" Joe replied
"That chick that just hugged me, grabbed it, wait what colour was her hair" drew asked
"I think dark red kinda colour" Joe answered
I was still close to hear there convocation but when I heard what drew start next I ran
"FIND HER NOW" he yelled to his crew
And I was gone.

I ran to the car park down the road and to the gym, ok I'm dead but I needed it for the fight. I had to, so I'm going to stay and train at the gym for the whole day.

****Drew's point of view****
She stole it, and I didn't know it was her until Joe told me her hair colour, I'm going to hind her and I'm going to get it back and I'm going to find out what her problem is.
After I told my crew to find her, its lunch now and no sign of her, it's like she vanished. I went looking the first place I went was the gym but nothing. So I went to my table where everyone was
"Drew mate, who is she" my friend Troy asked
"If I knew I would tell you"i growled back
"Ok bro chill out he was just asking, but why did she do it" my other friend jay asked
"Because it was hers" I whispered to them
"What" they said together but not Joe because he knew
"Ok Joe and I went to the gym found a bag, found the necklace into I told it and put it on, end of story ok now shut up" I said and everyone did

I got lost in my thought, because all I could think about was the way she felt on me, her arms around me, I didn't want it to end but my mouth had to open and said "what the fuck". The bell rang and I came back to earth from my thought
" Guys I'm skipping anyone else in" I asked and they all agreed

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