Chapter 8: his not mine, fine you have him

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****Alyssa's point of view****

He can't like me, I haven't known his for long maybe 2 months a but more, he is the bad boy but I call him ( in my head ) play boy prince. Why me? I was having a good time being a no body then the play boy prince comes and takes it from me, like WHY
why can't he just go back to the sluts and bitches, fuck and dump like the boys say, I don't like that they do that but that's what boys are.

But what Drew said to me got me hard, nerd. Yes lots of people call me that but when he said it I don't know it hurt worse from his mouth, it made me mad, probably he was the only one that started caring for me and didn't call me names, well he did but he stopped, but when he said it I don't know it hurt I'll say that but it made me mad as well that I was slowly falling and no one was going to stop me or catch me even Drew, he was the one that made all my feeling start to show and I'm anymore I'm done and this time drew won't stop me. I need to get back to what I'm good at fighting so I did

I was at the underground but I changed it a bit I wanted weapons in the fight, so now I'm about to go up so I was warming up when my name got called
"Okay okay people shut up and listen, today we have something different this fight has weapons the fights can't kill but they can hurt, so give it up for the all time champ CHEETAH" the man in the middle of the ring screams, and I jump up I bounce on one foot to the other.
"Okay now give it up for the strongest man I have ever seen, right after you cheetah, give it up for LIGHT" the man screams, light weird name. A big man comes into view and he was huge, I wasn't scared but I saw people stand back and there was fear in their eyes but me no.

"Ok pick your weapon" the man comes out with a box, he went to light first which smirked and got out a large knife, why why the big one, but I'm happy he did because the biggest the lowest everyone knows that but he doesn't. I picked the small knife which I smirked at, let's do this.
"Okay let's start"
I'm ready
I'm going to hurt him
This is because of you Drew
"FIGHT" and it started

Light and I circled each other until he swung but I was to fast and ducked and cut his side, but when I ducked his other hand went under his other and cut my cheek, why smart dude but not smarter than me. I swung and cut his leg and his fell on his knew so I cut the other and he fell on both, so I took that as my next move to kick his back and I did. When I did he swung his arm and cut my upper chest just under my neck, lucky so I kick his face and he was out cold.

"And cheetah is the winner" the man was back but I just left got my money and I went home. But when I was walking I could feel someone watching, so I turned and I was right someone was.
"Hey what is a hot sexy thing like you doing out here at night, because if you are looking for a good time I can give it to you" he smirked at me.
"I am looking for a good time but not the way you are thinking" I smirked back and I ran up and knocked him out with a side kick, DONT FUCKING PISS WITH A CUT FIGHTER I screamed in my head. Then I went on walking home When I got home I went straight to bed but I did shower and stuff before and when I lay down I was out.

When I woke up I was sore on my cheek and chest, I can't believe I went in a cut fight, but I did and it helped with the fight I had with Drew but what ever time to get ready for school

When i arrived at school i keep my head down so know one saw the cuts. But it went 5 mintues until the super bitch herself to come, she slammed me into the lockers

Thats got to hurt

"Look at the loser, why cant you look at us we to pretty" Britney laughs with her barbies behind.

"Come look" she yelled. She grabed my chin and made me look up
"Ohhhh you got hurt haha. You clumzy shit" Britney laughs and walks away with the barbies



Really i want peace

I turn around and see jay and joe they were smiling and i was getting dreath glares from every girl in the school. When they came closer they saw my cut cheek and though my eyebrow cross my eye.

"What the hell happened" Joe said and i could hear the anger in his words

"Umm i fell. Ok bye" i said and ran i ran out to my tree. I have to get way from them before they find out.

I closed my eyes so i could get some sleep until

"So the cuts are true"

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