Chapter 3: the fight

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Joe above in the photo

****Alyssa's point of view****

It was 30 minutes until my fight and I was stretching and warming up, when I heard my fight name come up I was all empty
"Ok guys listen up it's all time champ in the underground it's cheetah" I guy screamed and I hopped in the circle, I got the name cheetah 4 years ago it was my first fight after my dad's death and I was the quickest person they have ever seen so I'm cheetah.
"Ok now give it up for the next fighter black panther" when the guy finished a black haired black came through and into the circle, she had a smirk on her face but mine was still blank, when I'm in fights I am nothing.

"Ok girls you know the rules, no weapons" the guys started and the bell rings for the first to start, I could hear everyone screaming but I booked them out and focused on the fighter I have to beat, her stands in weak I can tell now that her knees and right shoulder are her weak spots, she made the first move to right punch me but I was to quick I blocked her and kneed her in the stomach, I could hear the air come straight out of her, when she was bent down I told it a go, I grabs her head and smashed it to me knee then lifted her head up and punched her across the jaw, I could hear the crack and she was out. The guy came in grabs my hand and lifted it in the air
"And the cheetah wins again" I ripped my hand from his and went to the table and grabbed my money, I think I got 2,000.

When I got home everyone was in bed so I opened the door quickly and closed it quickly but quietly and then ran up the stairs into my bedroom. I put my money in my box and put in under my bed, I went and had a shower, got dressed and went to bed.

The next morning, I was sore even when I didn't get hit I trained hard when I went to the gym. So I got up with the stupid alarm went off had a shower got dressed, put my dad's necklace one and had breakfast and left but before I left my favourite people in the world stopped me.
"Your not leaving until I had breakfast, now make it" my sister yelled at me
"And you can't leave until, the dogs are done" my brother yelled at me.
So I went made breakfast for my sister Brooke and fed the dogs for ky.

I was late for school, well it was 5 minutes not much so I ran to my locker got my math book and ran to class, when I got there the teacher hadn't come yet, so I went to my seat and pulled out my phone and started to play a game, that was until a piece of paper hit me in the head, I opened it and it said "the necklace", I looked behind me and saw one of Drew's friends Jay. My eyes opened wide and his mouth made a smirk on it.

I turned back around when the teacher came in, Mrs grey she was a old nice lady but when it comes to me she hates me I don't know why but she goes she doesn't like my hair colour, well I'm sorry that I'm born with it and I love it so suck it up old fart.
When the bell went off, I quickly packed up and ran out of the class room fast before Jay could stop me and take the necklace.

I went to my locker to get my new class book, I put my maths away and got out history, I grabbed my book and ran off to class, when I got there I remembered I have class with Drew and Joe, so I grabs my hoody and put it on over my head so they can't see me.
When I walked it was wasn't a surprise that they have come yet. When the teacher came Mr mood he was all happy for a weird reason but it was funny, half way throughout the topic, I door slammed open and walked in Drew and Joe like they own the place. I quickly put my head down so they couldn't see me. The teacher was used to them being late so he just kept talking. Drew and Joe sat behind me so I could hear them talking
"Bro Jay said that he saw the girl, she is in his maths class" Joe said to drew
"I need to find her mate fast" drew growled
"I know so I'm going to make a plan to get her next maths class" Joe said
"Good" was all drew said.

"Sir" I heard Joe yell
"Yes, joe" Mr mood said with an eye roll
"You can't wear a hoody in class" Joe said and I froze because I was the one with the hoody, fuck why does god hate me
"Right, Abernethy" Mr mood said
I looked up "yes sir" I asked
"Hoody off now" He answered
"But sir" I replied
"No buts now off" he replied
I took off my hoody and I could see in the mirror on the wall ( don't ask why it's there drama class ) and I could see the boys faces drop

"Drew" said Joe
"I know, it's her" Drew said
"I have an idea" Joe replied , that made my nervous because I was scared as it is.
"Sir" Joe yelled, he is pissing the teacher off now
"Yes Joe, what now" Mr mood replied with anger in his voice
"She throw something at me" he said like a 5 year old. I was now pissed because no one puts shit on me. I turned around a said "I fucken didnt" The boys faces dropped from my words
"Whatever" I replied and I got up and walked out, I went to the library to do some study until lunch

****Drew's point of view****
Wow she has a mouth on her. I froze when it was her that was wearing the hoody, I have to thank Joe later for telling sir.
"Drew, she has a mouth, doesn't she" Joe smirked at me
I was still in shock until what Joe said next
"I would tap her any day" he said with hungry eyes
"You touch her and your dead" I growled at him, he was still smirking though which was confusing
"Someone has a crush" Joe replied, I punched him in the arm and we got sent out of class, so we went looking

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