Chapter 6: why are you here

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**** Drew's point of view****

I was still in the gym and school finished 2 hours ago, I was still pissed of what that bitch Britney did to Alyssa. But the thing is that I'm more posses at my self
"Why am I fighting her battles" "why is she always on my mind" I thought to myself
"Because you like the chic" someone yelled. I spun around from shock that it was the dipshits themselves Joe and Jay, Joe was the one who yelled
"You know mate you talk to yourself when your pissed" Jay said walking over
"I dont" i relied
"Mate yes, yes you do you were 5 minutes ago, what did you say Why am I fighting her battles, why is she always on my mind" Joe said with Jay laughing at the high pitch sound at the end that Joe said.

"Fine, maybe I do" I give up. "What can I do I don't even like the chic" I added
"Well maybe you do, you might think you don't but you might feel you do" Jay said. I raised an eyebrow at him, when did he get smart
"When did you get all smart" Joe said, with me still thinking about her ahhhhh.
"Well I'm going home because I'm tired and I have homework" I lied
"LIER" Joe screams "when do you do your homework, your going to HER house" he added with a smirk
"FUCK" I thought
"Fine maybe I am, I have to poss her off somehow" I said and then ran because in
"YOU LOVE HER" they both scream laughing
"FUCK OFF" I yelled back laughing
The, I went into my truck and went

****Alyssa's point of view****

After school I went home to find my mum watching TV and Ky and Brooke out with their friends, so I went to the gym for an 1hour because I have homework to finish.
After the gym I went back home, to find everyone out, so it was just me YESS
I went to the fridge to see if we have same chocolate but to see we have nothing I going to be over happy not, so I thought let's have some fun
So I fell on my knees and yelled "NOOOOOOOOO" laughing at the end but I stopped when I heard banging

I went to the door and opened it to see a very scared looking Drew
"Are you okay I heard you scream" I yelled. And me being me I started laughing so hard I fell on the floor.
"Okay very funny, but you scared the crap out of me" he said
"" I start In between my laughing fit.
"Okay okay shut up" he said shaking his head with a smile
Wow that smile can make any girl fall to the floor it's that perfect, wait what forget that

"What you doing here anyway" I said after calming down
"Because I wanted to see if you were ok"he replied rubbing the back of his neck. Yer right he is to check up on me
"The truth, now" I said raising an eyebrow
"Ok fine, I had nothing to do so I thought I would come over" he said with a nervous smile, WAIT him nervous.
Okay then, come in" I said opening the door more so he can come in,
After he came in like he owned the place, he went straight to the lounge.

"So what do you want to do" he said. Oh this is going to be fun
"Well, how about I watch you run from a screaming girl" I said with a smirk.
He raised an eyebrow but when he opened his mouth I screamed
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT" she screamed back
I heard here run down the stairs, but I was looking a Drew and his confused face.
"Ready" I whispered
"What are you doing" he questioned. oh this is going to be fun
" One."
He raised his eyebrow
He still is confused
"And three."
I screamed

"OMG DREW IS HERE TO SEE ME" brooke screamed but I was laughing at Drew's face he looks scared shitless
"What no I'm not" he said getting up
But I was on the floor laughing at a Drew that wants to kill me
"Alyssa tell her I'm here for you" Drew said with horror in his eyes
"No, you said to me where is Brooke I want her, NEED her" I was laughing my stomach was hurt, because I was laughing that hard
" Your a bitch Alyssa" Drew sent a killer look at me, but I didn't care.

"SEE SHE SAID YOU WANT ME NEED ME I LOVE YOU DREW" Brooke screamed and Drew took off out of the house with a screaming Brooke behind him.
He is going to kill me tomorrow at school hahahaha

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