Chaper 9: the reason for the cuts

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I am so sorry I have had so much homework and work and assessments. That I couldn't update sorry it's short but I will make it up to you all

****Alyssa's point of view****

"So the cuts are true"

I open my eyes and see a very anger Drew infront of me

"What happened" he said in a deep scarey voice
"Go away. Nothing i fell thats it now go" i said looking down

"You tell me what the fuck happened Alyssa" i could tell he was getting angerer but i couldnt tell but i should. Can i trust him and the others

"Fine but i cant say. i have to show" i said "tell the others to meet at the grounds"
Drew looked funny at me, that's when I thought ohhhh he doesn't know what that is, right
"The grounds are where the underground frights go to, you know fight" I said with a blank face
"But why are we going there" Drew asked
"You will have to wait now won't you" I said and left.
I was waiting out the front for the boys to turn up and I'm freaking out, what am I going to say or even show them, I was in a deep thought that I didn't even know that the boys were standing I front of me looking....... Scared a bit
"why are we here" Joe asked but I didn't answer I just turned and walked inside.
"Today Drew asked what happened to my hands and I told you guys to come here because I can't tell you I have to show you" I said "stay here ok"
I went into MY change room, no one can come in this room and got dressed in my black sports bra and my mini black sport shorts.

After getting readying I went back out, I walked in front of the guys but they didn't know because they were on the phones.
"Guys" I screamed but not to loud, they looked up and there eyes went wide open but Drew's darkened for some reason.
"Why are you wearing that with old men around Alyssa" Drew said in a deep voice. But I didn't reply and went up in the ring.
"Why the hell are you in there" Jay started to yell, and I was getting pissed with the questions
"You wanted to know, well here is your answer" I yelled back

I saw a very very big guy come in the ring, not like fat but strong, I can take him easy
"Alyssa" I heard Drew
"Ready" I said to the hulk because that's what he looked like
"Set" he said
"Go" we said at the same time.

We started to circle until he broke it he throw a right hook but I was to quick and ducked and kicked his left side hard. I then hooked my foot to his ankles and he fell. That was my chance to strick, I jumped on the hulks and throw rabbit punches to his face until he was knocked out. After I stood up but something was different I could tell that someone was about to jump at me
"Alyssa" Drew started but I put my hand up, something isn't right.

I looked to my right and saw the men that I versed in the cut fight, WHY I screamed in my head.
"Alyssa" he said, what's his name
"Person" I replied
"Who are these people" he started to walk to them but I jumped down the ring and stood I front of him
"Fuck off and don't go near them" I said in a deep voice because if they get hurt it's my fault
"Alyssa who is this" Jay asked
"Oh she hasn't told you about me" he said " I'm the person that did that to her" he spun me around so the boys could see the big cut in my stomach

I could see Drew was about to kill and the others in shock + want to kill but Drew was way angrier.
"Don't touch her" Drew said
"Why not we have finished our fight" he said, Drew stepped forward but I stepped I front of him
"Don't, you wanted to know what happened this is it. I was in a cut fight. It's fight it where you pick your weapon like a knife or gun or whatever and you fight until one passes out or........ Dies" I saw Drew start to shake with anger
"Why" he said to me
"That I can't say" I asked
"Why the fuck not" he yelled
"Hey don't scream at her, she's mine to fight with" that person said, ok now I'm pissed
"You want to fight fine lets fight" I said to him, I turned back to Drew "leave" was all I said but them being them they didn't
"No" they said all together
"Fine then watch" I replied and went in the ring with that person
"Ready" I said
"Set" he said
"Go" we said together and we did

****Drew's point of view****

I. Want. To. Kill. Him. Is the only thing I want to do right now, is kill that dude that hurt Alyssa.
Right now I'm sitting in the grounds with Jay and Joe trying now to get up and bashing the fuck out of him. But what is scaring me most is why I care so much of Alyssa. And one other thing ALYSSA IS A FUCKING UNDERGROUND FUCKING FIGHTER, I was impressed and scared and now I'm pissed and want to kill because I found out what had happened.

Alyssa is in the ring right now with that dude trying to kill him, I'm in awe but shitting myself at the same time.
"Bro did you know" Jay asked
"No" was all I said "guys please go home" I added, because I don't like them seeing Alyssa in that dressing let's just say she is sexy wearing it but I hate how every guy is looking at her like they want to fuck her all over,
"Why" Joe asked
"Because just go" I asked
"Ok good luck mate and don't kill him because I know you want to" Jay said with a smile and I laughed.

I was watching the fight, Alyssa hitting, blocking, doing tricks that I was scared of but the one thing that I really didn't like was when she was to slow in some parts, she would get hit. That got me mad but for her, this is her fight and she will finish it.
"Ok stop" Alyssa said "this is getting really boring" boring?
"Well let's make is fun" the dude said "let's bring out another member", after he said that a dude came in he ring. And I didn't like it, I stood up and started walking over
"Alyssa I want a word, NOW" I said, she looked at him and he answered "fine talk to your boyfriend, but FAST"

"What" she said pissed after I took her away
"Don't fight, if you get hurt, I will have to fight" I said in a serious tone but she just laughs
"Then leave, you saw all you need to know" she said and went back in the ring and started, but I didn't leave.


****Alyssa's point of view****

Drew stayed for the rest of the fight even after i told him to go. It's sweet how he stayed but I don't know what he is going to do, now because he knows I'm a fighter.
Im in my change room just looking in my mirror, just thinking about the fight and how my arm is really hurting from the upper cut I game him.

When I'm about to open the door Drew came running in the room,
"ARE YOU CRAZY" he screams and I just look at him shocked
"You could have been killed" he adds on but more calmly
"I'm fine ok Drew, I only hurt my arm" I say
"Show me" he told me and I just look at him. I can't show him my arm because there is a large deep cut down the back of it. At the end of the fight the man twisted my arm and cut it but Drew wasn't looking at the time.

"No it's fine, ok I'm fine" I say walking backwards
"Now" he states and walks over. Drew grabbed my wrist and twisted it and I let out a scream "Arrrrrrr" he drops my arm and steps back
"Your hurt" he states
"No I'm not" I start to get anger now "and even if I am I can look after myself"
"What is wrong with you, can't you see you need help" and now he is getting angry
"Why do you care, your the badboy you have no feelings" I scream
But the next thing was the one thing I thought never happen. Ever.
"I care because I like you, so come on a date with me" and he left but added on
"I'll pick you up at 7 and that arm better be fixed or I'll fix it" and he left

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