Couple VS. Playboys

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Minzy had to rest for the next couple of days and Sehun took care of her.
"Hey, Minzy. How are you doing? Are you ok?"
"Oppa, I feel really tortured. I don't want you to see me like this."
"It's ok. I'm your boyfriend, now. I'm supposed to support you and be there for you always. Trust me."
"Ok. I will. Can you get me something to eat?"
"Yeah, I'll go buy some porridge for you. Just wait a bit, ok."
"Ok, be back soon Sehun."
"Call me oppa, now. I want you to think of me as a tough boyfriend."
"Ok, oppa."
"Stay here, baby."
"Bye." Minzy waved goodbye to Sehun and he headed outside to buy porridge for her. As soon as Sehun went out, Kai and Tao entered the room.
"So, did you get enough rest, Minzy? I mean, you know, you would have to do it again with me."
"I'm not gonna do anything with you and I'm gonna date Sehun from now on."
"No, you're gonna break up with him."
"What do you mean?"
"You're gonna get caught cheating on him."
"No, I won't. I'm not a player."
"You will be."
"I won't. So get out."
"Fine. Well see about that."
Kai and Tao went out and they lingered outside the room. 10 minutes later, Minzy heard the door open and assumed that it was Sehun. Then, Tao came into Sehun's room and kissed Minzy. Minzy squealed around and tried to get him off. Sehun saw Tao kissing Minzy and he pulled him off of her.
"Tao, what are you doing?"
"What do you think I'm doing? I'm hitting on your girlfriend."
"Shut up and get out of here. Minzy, are you ok?"
"Yeah. I'm ok."
"Tao, you and Kai are playboys."
"No, Kai is the playboy. I'm just a guy who likes girls. I don't play with them."
"Stop lying! You and Kai always bring girls into this dorm. Then you go into your rooms with them."
"Yeah, we do. But now, we want your girlfriend and we will hurt you and her to make her into our girlfriend."
"If you hurt her, I'll kill you."
"Oh, really? Cuz your girlfriend said that she'll rather get hurt instead of you getting hurt. That's why we harmed her. Kai and I took her into our room and we hurt her. With our body."
"What!? Do you really wanna die?!" Minzy got up and before Sehun hit Tao she went up to him and kissed him for a long time in front of Kai and Tao.
"Oppa, don't. Just don't hit people. I'm here for you."
"Minzy. He hurt you. I can't allow that."
"Oppa, we're a couple, now. They are the threats. I'm only gonna love you."
"Minzy, always be by my side. Don't go anywhere without me."
"Ok. I love you."
"Ok, lovebirds, stop this and listen: Kai and I are gonna hurt the both of you until we get what we want."
"Try, stupid."
"Ok, Minzy. You should be careful, too. Or else we would have to hurt you in the same spot."
"What'd you say?!"
"Oppa, calm down." Tao went out and Sehun and Minzy were in the room.
"Oppa, are you calmed down?"
"Yeah, I am. But Minzy, what did they do to you?"
"Minzy, I'm here for you so tell me."
"I was seduced physically."
"You mean they did that to you?"
"Yeah. That's why I was resting for a couple of days."
"But Minzy, they want you as their girlfriend. We have to be careful. They will harm you by doing that to you and they're gonna beat me up."
"Oppa, I'm not gonna betray you, unless I have to for your safety."
"I'll do that if that's for your safety, too."
"But now, let's enjoy each other when we can. I feel fine, now. Let's go out."
"Ok, where do you want to go?"
"I don't know. Let's just go out."
"Ok. But first, let's go shopping for some clothes."
Sehun helped Minzy get up and he turned around when she was changing. When she finished changing, Sehun held her hand and they went outside. All of the members were looking at them, but mostly Minzy because she was wearing her see-through. They went out and got into Sehun's blue lamborghini. They went to the mall and Sehun went into the women's clothing shop. He asked Minzy to choose some clothes and she asked:
"Wait, but I'm wearing clothes already."
"Yeah, but it's a see-through and guys are checking you out."
"Awww. But I wore these for you. Can't I just wear the clothes you buy me next time?"
"Ok and you promise to wear it?"
"Yes, oppa." Sehun picked out some clothes for her and she carried it. When he noticed that she was caring the bag, Sehun offered to hold it. Minzy gave him the bag.
"You'll look pretty in those."
"Will I?"
"Yeah, now, let's go."
"You'll see." Sehun paid for the clothes and they went into the smoothie shop for a drink. They got a strawberry smoothie and a lime smoothie and Sehun drove towards the destination. When they arrived, Minzy was sleeping so Sehun woke her up with a kiss. Minzy smiled and kissed him back.
"Where are we?"
"The one place where nobody but Exo knows."
"Here let's take a look around."
Minzy got out of the car and Sehun back hugged her.
"Oppa, what do you mean by only Exo knowing this place?"
"Just as I said. Only the Exo members know here."
"Do Kai and Tao know?"
"Unfortunately yes."
"Well, I'm still happy that I'm here with you."
"Me, too."
They walked for a while and Sehun said:
"I want to show you something. Follow me." Sehun held Minzy's hand and he took her to a flat meadow full of roses and other colorful flowers. Before Minzy saw it, Sehun covered her eyes and made her walk some steps. When they stopped, Sehun showed her the surrounding and she gasped. They were in a meadow full of flowers and were right under a wire heart that was covered with lights and roses. The wire heart was made of wire that was taller than Sehun. Sehun then faced Minzy and she looked at him, too. He wrapped his arms against Minzy's waist and she wrapped her arms against his neck.
"Oppa, when did you prepare this?"
"I did it the day I got beat up. I finished preparing this and then I got beat up."
"Well, I'm touched."
"Then can you do something for me?"
"Yeah, what is it?"
"When I softly touch your hair, then I want you to stop whatever you're doing and just do what I want you to do."
"Good...." Sehun kissed Minzy and he touched her hair. Minzy was startled a bit but she soon became calm. Their kiss was long and passionate. When they opened their eyes, Sehun was looking at Minzy but Minzy was looking at something else.
"Minzy, what are you looking at?"
"Hmm? Oh, nothing. I just felt like someone was looking at us."
"Well, don't mind that. Right now, cherish this moment with me."
"Ok. Then grab my attention."
"Ok." Sehun then kissed Minzy again and she ruffled his hair. When they ended their kiss, it started sprinkling. So, Sehun grabbed Minzy towards him and he quickly took off his coat. He put it over them and they ran to the car. But on the car, there was red paint on it saying Sehun and Minzy, but there was a broken heart between. Sehun got mad and he quickly got Minzy in the car. After he got in, he tried to turn on the car, but the car wouldn't start. He quickly got an umbrella and he went out to the front of the car and lifted the cover. He saw that the engine was broken and got angry. He got back in the car and talked to Minzy.
"So, why isn't the car starting?"
"I checked the engine, but it was broken. I guess Kai and Tao broke it while we were dating."
"So how are we gonna get home?"
"Um...I guess we have to stay here until the morning."
"Oh, ok."
" can go into the back seat so that you can sleep comfortably. I'll sleep here."
"Or you can sleep back there with me."
"You sure?"
"Yeah." The both of them went to the back seats and Sehun wrapped Minzy with his arms and they fell asleep into each other's arms.

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