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The next day, Bom talked to CL about that happened to CL and she got ready. It was 10 and it took at least an hour to get to the ice cream factory. She put on her black tank top, a black see-through that had the words I Love You, and white cotton shorts with a floral pattern. She also got her blue blanket with stripes just in case it would be cold in the factory. She got her phone and wallet and put it in her black leather backpack that had stripes of blue, yellow, and pink stripes. When she was going out, she put on her pink Converse shoe that was the couple shoe she made with Luhan. She got in her car and drove to the factory. She parked her and packed all of her things in her backpack. She met her cousin inside the factory and she wore the pass around her neck. Then, she saw a familiar white Audi coming in the parking lot. She saw who it was and hid behind her cousin. Her cousin insisted that she introduced herself to her sunbar. She did as her cousin wished her to and said hi to her sunbae.
"Sunbae? Sunbae! Over here!"
"Oh, hey Jane. Is this your guest?"
"Yeah, her name is Park Bom of 2NE1, my cousin."
"Wow, nice to meet you. I'm Kim Jung Soo and a fan of 2NE1."
"Thank you."
"So, who's your guest, sunbae?"
"I think you know him. His name is Luhan of Exo. He's my high school hoobae."
"Oh, wow. Right, unnie?"
"" Luhan approached Bom, her cousin, and her cousin's sunbae.
"Hey, Jung Soo sunbae."
"Hey, Luhan. Over here." Luhan came over in a light, orange t-shirt with a skull and gray adidas pants. He also wore his orange converse that was the couple shoe with Bom. They avoided eye contact with each other and just talked to another person.
"Hello, I'm Park Jane. I'm Park Bom's cousin."
"Oh, I'm Luhan of Exo."
"I'm as my cousin said. Park Bom of 2NE1."
"Nice to meet you." The ice cream factory doors opened and the people all went in. First, they went in the part where they make the ice cream. They saw how the machine stirred the juice and added some type of chemicals into the ice cream. They also saw how it was poured into the tubes and containers that freezed the ice cream. They also tasted some samples. Then, when they were all walking, a newcomer of th company was running with a cart of pitches of water. The newcomer bumped into Park Bom and the water splashed all over her making her shiver in the cold factory. The newcomer apologized.
"I'm so sorry. I was rushing for the workers."
"Oh, it's ok. I'm wet just a bit. Achoo!"
"Are you sure you're ok?"
"Yeah, I'll dry off soon."
"Ok, but I'm just gonna warn you that you can get a cold. Here, this is a towel. You don't have to give it back."
"Oh, thank you." The newcomer went in the factory and Bom continued to sneeze.
"Unnie, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I think I'm getting sick."
"Really? Do you need to go home?"
"No, I want to finish watching."
"Ok. Tell me when you're sick."
"Ok." They continued to go further in the factory and they reached the coldest part of the factory. It was negative 15 degrees and it was where the ice cream and popsicles were being frozen. Luhan and Bom were at the back of the group. They looked around the coldest part of the factory and we're going out, but then, the door closed right in front of Luhan and Bom. It closed so fast that, it closed before Bom's cousin turned around. Luhan and Bom were trapped in the coldest part and all they had to keep them warm was the blanket and the towel.
"Help! Help!"
"I don't think it's worth doing that. We should find something that can keep us warm."
"Unnie? Unnie! Can you hear me?" Jane was on the other side of the door and she was in a warm section. She was calling Bom.
"Yeah, I can hear you."
"We're getting the technology team and machine team here. The door got something stuck in the way so it closed, making it trap you guys."
"Oh, ok."
"Just stay warm with Luhan until we get help."
"How long?"
"It's gonna at least take 1 or 2 hours."
"We're doing things the fastest."
"Ok. Hurry." She looked at Luhan and he was shivering.
"Long time no see."
"Yeah, and we're the only ones who are trapped in here."
"Have any ideas?"
"What did you bring in your backpack?"
"My phone, wallet, and a blanket. I also have this towel that the newcomer gave me."
"Ok, you use the blanket and towel to keep yourself warm. I'm gonna look around for any emergency tools."
"Are you kidding? It's negative 15 degrees in here. You're not going alone or without a thing to cover your body." Bom handed Luhan the blanket.
"Here, use this."
"No, give me the towel. You should cover yourself with the blanket since you're still wet."
"Fine." Bom and Luhan walked and they found 1 really thin blanket and one thick parka.
"Ok, you get the blanket and the parka."
"No! You're wet. You can get a fever. You get the parka and the towel. I'll get the thin blanket and the blanket. That way our body temperatures remain equal."
"Ok." Bom wore the parka and used the towel to wrap her legs. Luhan covered his upper body with the blanket that Bom brought and used the thin one to wrap his legs. They both headed to the corner where it was the least cold and just stayed there. But as time went by, Bom got a fever and her temperature rose making her sweat. Luhan was just cold and he covered himself even tighter. The temperature also got lower.
"Noona? Noona!"
"You're sweating and you're pale."
"I'm ok."
"No, you're not. Here come to me. I'll hug you. My body temperature will keep yours warm."
"I'm not going to you!"
"If you want to survive and date D.O., then you should do as I say." Bom was surprised that Luhan said that. He thought that she was dating D.O. when she was now friends with him. Luhan tried to make Bom as warm as possible. He made her still wear the parka, but then, she covered her with the towel and wrapped her legs with the blanket. He was only covered with the thin blanket.
"Luhan, you're not covered."
"I am. I have this."
"That's not enough."
"Fine. Give me your parka." Bom gave Luhan her parka and he wore it. Then, he sat down the closest next to Bom. He wrapped Bom with the blanket and put the towel over their legs. The thin blanket was used to cover their upper bodies. After he set it up, he hugged Bom tight making her be in the parka with Luhan. He hugged her tight and she felt his warm body. She wrapped her arms around him and made sure that she was comfortable.
"Luhan, aren't you cold?"
"No, I'm not. And you shouldn't worry about me. You're sick."
"That doesn't matter. I don't care because you're here with me."
"You're dating D.O."
"No, I'm not. I broke up with him to just remain as friends. I noticed that I liked someone else."
"Someone who is wearing the couple Converse shoes right now. The one who is hugging me."
"I missed you ever since I left you. My heart felt happy at times but those were only the times when D.O. tried to let me have fun so that I forgot about the pain you gave me."
"I'm not gonna let you go now. Whether you like it or not. I'm not gonna let you go."
"I'm gonna do a concert with you. I don't know who my couple song partner is..."
"It's me."
"That's good."
"I missed you my baby."
"It's missed you, too." Just then, the door opened and Bom and Luhan were rescued. That day, Bom was taken home by Luhan and he held her hand the whole way. He asked Bom's car to be taken by one of the workers. He helped Bom get up to her dorm and he watched over her the whole night.

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