Visit At Hospital

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The next day, Dara woke up with aching eyes. Her eyes were red when she looked in the mirror. She thought to herself if it was because she cried all night. She washed her face in the restroom and went out. Minzy, Bom, and CL were all nowhere to be seen. She just watched TV in the living room. Then, she flipped to the news channel and this is what the announcer said.
"Yesterday, early evening, a young man who drove a white Abarth got into a car accident. It seems that the driver was crying while he was driving and smashed his car into a truck. It was found out that the drivers name was Park Chanyeol of Exo and he is in Seoul Hospital. Although, the truck driver didn't get hurt, he said that he wished for Chanyeol to get well soon. Chanyeol currently has a fractured rib and a broken arm. Well, that's all for today's 8 AM news. I'm Park Young Ae and you've been watching Korean News." Dara turned the TV off and was in a shock condition. She went to her room and called Chen right away.
"Hello? Chen?"
"Wait, hold on. We can't use our phones in the hospital."
"Oh, ok.........."
"Ok, noona. Now I can talk."
"Ok, did Chanyeol....."
"Get in a car accident?"
"Did you see the news?"
"Then whatever you heard or saw is true. He got in a car accident after meeting you."
"He did?"
"Yeah, so I'm just asking you a favor."
"What is it?"
"Just send a basket of fruits or flowers. Or come here yourself."
"Um...I'm kind of busy today."
"Noona, he's devastated."
"I'll do something."
"Ok, thank you." Dara got ready to go out. She wore her jean shorts and a t-shirt with a pink anchor. She also wore a yellow headband. She went out with her phone and wallet. First, she went to the fruit basket shop.
"Oh, hello. I'm here to make a fruit basket for someone in the hospital."
"Would you like to make a self basket or ask a client to do it?"
"I'll do it myself."
" can choose the basket yourself, choose the fruits, put the wrappers on the fruits, and decorate your basket."
"Ok, thanks." Dara went to the basket side and chose her basket. She got the large basket and filled the bottom with cotton balls and orange tissue paper. Then, she chose some fruits. She chose a small melon, 3 bananas, 2 apples, 2 oranges, 5 small plums, and 3 baseball sized peaches. She put the foam wrapper on each one of them and placed them in the basket. She also went to the decoration section. She stuck some candies in the middle and star shaped soft candies on the side. Then she chose the clear wrapper for the large basket and wrapped it with a yellow ribbon. Then, she held the basket and paid for it. Then, the worker asked her if she wanted to send it through mailing or not.
"Um...can it arrive by today?"
"Yeah, at least by 2 PM."
"Ok, how much is it?"
"5 dollars to send it." Dara gave her 5 dollars and the worker gave it to another worker who went out with the basket. She became a bit hungry since she didn't eat anything since the morning and so, she went to the
Bun-sik store. She ordered ramen and tteokbokki. She ate and it was about 2 PM. She decided to buy flowers and go to the Seoul Hospital. She went to the flowers store and chose some flowers. She chose 1 blue rose, 6 white roses, 3 pink daffodils, 3 yellow poppies, 3 red tulips, and 3 orange Gerbera daisies. She asked the client to mix up all of the flowers but make the blue rose go in the middle. The worker did as she was asked and she wrapped it with dark pink tissue paper and a clear wrapper. She held the flowers and went to her apartment. She changed her clothes into a yellow dress with flowers. She got in her Ferrari and drove to the hospital with the flowers. Before she went in, she got a little card and wrote some words on it. Then, she stuck in in the flowers and went in the hospital to Chanyeol's room. While going to Chanyeol's room, Dara became nervous. As soon as she reached Chanyeol's room, she hesitated to open the door. She couldn't open the door that easily because she felt like going through the door will cause her to feel sad. She calmed herself down and she knocked on the door. The voice inside said come in. Dara went in and the members were all surprised. But she saw that everyone was there except for D.O. and Suho.
"Noona, you came."
"Yeah. Oh, here, Chen. These are flowers."
"Oh, here Chanyeol."
"Did you guys get the basket?"
"Full of fruits?"
"Yeah, we got it. Thanks for that."
"Ok, good."
"So, um...we're gonna go out now."
"Oh, ok." All of the members went out and Dara was alone in the room with Chanyeol.
"So, um...did you...I mean...are you..."
"Chanyeol, let me ask first."
"Did you get in a car accident after you got me a taxi?"
"What body parts did you get injured?"
"My rib, my left arm, bruises on my face, and I got a bit of shock on my neck."
"Why did you get in a car accident?"
"I was crying and then I lost control of the wheel."
"Is it because of me?"
"The reason I got in a accident?"
"I don't know what I can do. I really want to do something but there nothing I can do."
"Do you really not know what you can do for me?"
"No...I don't."
"Then do me a favor."
"What is it?"
"Just know that I loved you."
"Ok. I will........ um..I have to go now."
"Ok. Thanks for visiting." Dara was about to leave, but she said these words without thinking.
"I miss you." Dara went out and and she just stayed home that day.

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