Echoes of Memories

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"Congratulations, Hyung! Finally, someone's tying the knot," Jimin exclaimed warmly, his eyes sparkling with genuine happiness for J-Hope and Hyuna.

J-Hope grinned broadly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I know, right? Why so impatient, Jimin?" He playfully nudged Jimin's shoulder, teasingly pointing towards Nia.

Jimin chuckled softly, shaking his head. "It's not impatience, Hyung, but you know you're not getting any younger," he teased back affectionately.

J-Hope's expression turned mock-serious as he turned to RM and Jin, who were also joining in on the banter.

"And Jin Hyung here, the eldest, isn't even close to getting hitched. He's struggling," he added with a playful pout.

RM nodded knowingly, grinning. "Jin Hyung, you need to up your game," he said, casting a glance towards Jin, who was in the corner trying to catch the attention of Somi, who was laughing and giggling with a man making Jin's blood boil.

They all burst into laughter, knowing Jin's charming efforts were often met with mixed results.

Yoongi also joined them,

"Hyung, find a girl soon. You're not getting any younger," jimin deadpanned, causing everyone to chuckle.

Yoongi then dropped his bombshell with a smirk, "I'm already married, you know."

"What?!" They chorused in surprise.

"With my sleep," Yoongi finished, unable to resist a laugh at his own joke.

Taehyung joined in at that moment, offering his congratulations and a warm hug for J-Hope. "Congratulations, Hyung," he said sincerely, his smile lighting up his face.

"Thanks, Tae," J-Hope replied warmly, squeezing Taehyung's shoulder in gratitude.

Jimin turned his attention to Taehyung, eager to catch up. "How are you? How was your trip to Hawaii? Did you have a good time?" he asked enthusiastically.

"It was great, we had a good time," Taehyung replied with a small smile.

RM leaned in, curiosity piqued. "Where's JK? Wasn't he with you?" he inquired, glancing around the room.

Taehyung chuckled softly. "He went to the washroom," he explained casually.

As they continued to chat and laugh together, their bond as friends and colleagues shone brightly, each teasing and supporting one another in equal measure. The wedding atmosphere filled with joy and camaraderie, a testament to their enduring friendship.

Jungkook stood at the sink in the washroom, the sound of running water echoing softly around him as he methodically washed his hands. Lost in his own thoughts, he hummed a tune under his breath, the joyful atmosphere of the wedding reception buzzing in the background.

Suddenly, he felt an unexpected presence behind him. Instinctively, he turned, his brow furrowing in surprise at the sight of a girl standing close, her expression unreadable. Without speaking, she knelt in front of him, her posture and intent clear.

His initial surprise melted into a smirk, amusement flickering in his eyes at her boldness. She reached for his belt, and before she could proceed further, With a swift and powerful grip, he caught her wrist, her pained groan filling the otherwise quiet washroom.

"Ahh!" she exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes as she winced from his strong hold.

Jungkook's voice was surprisingly calm as he spoke, his grip tightening slightly. "What's your name, sweetheart?" His tone was soft, yet there was an underlying edge to his question.

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